Changed the set up!

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Well I've finally done it. Peter said to leave the hutch indoors for now as it can be a little cooler in the pig room so I have taken Grahams advice and put Sunshine in Pudsey and Eccles cage and placed him ontop of the hutch next to Twinkle. Oh the fun, teeth chattering, bar chewing and rumbling. They hate one another! ;D I'm sad for them though, but it may blow over. They seem to have calmed down now.

Pudsey and Eccles are having a field day in the hutch, I can hear them running about. The new grids have been given to Flora and Fleur, they are better as they can see out more and don't seem to be as skittish. I've made a 4x2 for them in the living room, just turned my table around! :)

One problem I thought of with Twinkle and the c&c is that he may escape so I think a cage is better for him seeing as he got out last time in the shed!

Peter has just checked on them all and they are all calm! Finally! :)

Me too Emma, God knows what I'd do if Pudsey and Eccles fell out. Although I'd probably just move the girls into the hutch and have them seperate in a c&c. Hopefully it won't come to that!
I didn't go any further with the neutering, thought I'd give this a whirl first. To be honest it scares me as things can go wrong, I know I'm daft. Just think for us the cons outweigh especially with having Emily if anything happened to Sunshine she would be so upset. :)
Yes i understand! Dont think i could put Ralfie through it, even though he's already done ;D
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