Change In Floor Time

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2009
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l am experimenting with the amount of time l give groups of pigs,
l used to give small groups 3 to 4 hours foor time in turn, so there was always pigs freeranging in my pig room
but l am now giving them a full 24hours in turn
they seem to enjoy it more ,

how do you give you pigs there floor time
i used to have a run permanently attached to the cage but it was always getting in the way so i've recently made it so it folds down and up easily. so once all the jobs are done in the morning, i attach the run for floor time and leave it up as long as possible - usually works out at least 8hrs each day, but usually more like 12 or 13. i try to do it everyday but no less than five days of the week. i take it down at night and they actually seem to use it more now it's not there all the time. probably because it's new :)

occasionally i take them into the bedroom for a change of scene and set up an even bigger area there. and in warmer weather they go outside aswell :)
I put mine out every morning while I poop pick and change wet paper under fleece or do complete clean out. They hate floor time and hide. Spike will have a little wander from one hiding place to the next, but he's very nervous. I've tried different floor coverings in case it's the wooden floor they don't like, different toys and food spread around a play area and even covered the whole lot with a blanket to make them a tent but they don't like being out of the cage. I get 10 to 15mins to do a clean then Spike starts bar chewing and door rattling trying to get back in, I'm afraid he will break his teeth. We've had them a year next week and it's my one disappointment that they don't want to be free! My OH made them a ramp so they could go in and out when they liked during the day, they use it to go in but no way do they want to be out. :no:
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