

Junior Guinea Pig
May 6, 2023
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Hi, can i feed my guinea pigs celery sticks?

I’m being careful and not feeding any Hugh collate or calcium veggies to do all i can to prevent the reformation of bladder stones after having a shock the other month when my boy developed one (we thought we may have to PTS:( )
I feed bell pepper
Sweet gem lettuce
Every day but it’s boring for them and i want variety!
Thank you
Thanks, is it a daily veg or not, is it high in oxolate/ calcium?

Also can mint be fed and how often for the same reason?
Thanks, is it a daily veg or not, is it high in oxolate/ calcium?

Also can mint be fed and how often for the same reason?

The leaves of celery are high oxalate.
Mint can also be fed.
For mine, celery and mint are more of a rotation/occasional item rather than daily.

The four safe daily veggies are lettuce, coriander, Cucumber and bell pepper.
I feed celery maybe 3-4 times a month if I have it. I don’t buy it anymore for feeding but my husband will occasionally think the piggies deserve some!

They get the staple veg every day and are still excited for it so it’s not boring for them! I may sometimes give a thin sliver of carrot or apple - maybe 1ce a month if I remember.
Mine get celery about 4 times a week along with romaine lettuce, red or yellow pepper, cucumber and coriander the other 3 days they'll get something different like a green bean each, a bit of carrot peel, bit of apple or a blueberry.

They always seem excited at feeding times (I split it and feed half morning, half evening) judging by the zoomies and popcorning.
My boys get celery once a day when it is bought, which is only every couple of months.

You will find there is not one "normal routine", it all depends on the pig, where you live and the season. This is why it is good to stick to the basic 4 and add some treats and difference every now and again. If you are ever worried about something or wondering how often it should be fed you can always look online, or search like terms on the forum and it is likely you will find a discussion about such. Or of course you can make your own thread, but in the case of needing a quick answer a quick search should help ;)

My boys food this week is Romaine lettuce, Bell pepper, Cucumber, Coriander, and Spinach (which should not be fed as a regular part of their diet), but was bought for a meal I made last Tuesday.
The treats they got were a tomato between them and half a grape between them, and every 3rd day they got a green bean each.
Green beans are the girls favourite. They get so excited on bean day 😂
Ah nice, it’s very difficult to find out advice in food as opinions are quite contradictory! I’m scared to feed tomato’s again as i fed them once and resulted in a nightmare of diarrhoea 😂
I also used to feed sugar snap peas but then i heard that some are toxic for guinea pigs.
I’m getting some coriander for them to try and tried mint today (they weren’t fans.)
I made the choice to stop the feeding of spinach and kale as the vet told us to feed a low oxalate and calcium diet which focuses on water intake.
Ah nice, it’s very difficult to find out advice in food as opinions are quite contradictory! I’m scared to feed tomato’s again as i fed them once and resulted in a nightmare of diarrhoea 😂
I also used to feed sugar snap peas but then i heard that some are toxic for guinea pigs.
I’m getting some coriander for them to try and tried mint today (they weren’t fans.)
I made the choice to stop the feeding of spinach and kale as the vet told us to feed a low oxalate and calcium diet which focuses on water intake.

Tomatoes are acidic and can cause issues including lip infections.
Youve done the right thing in limiting kale and spinach.

There is nothing wrong in just feeding the safe daily four and then adding other things in as and when you have them. Other than the basic four, I don’t buy anything specific for my animals - they will get a little something else if I happen to have bought it for our meals.

The other thing you may like to try is fresh forage if you have safe access to some. They are a fantastic way to add variety and nutrients, and of course don’t cost anything!
Wild UK forage for guinea pigs
Yes they like dry forage, i don’t think we have fresh forage available where i live but i do buy dry forage when my local pets at home have it in stock.
As we’re going into summer, I was also thinking of growing my own grass for them (we have astroturf). What grass seeds should i use for this?
Yes they like dry forage, i don’t think we have fresh forage available where i live but i do buy dry forage when my local pets at home have it in stock.
As we’re going into summer, I was also thinking of growing my own grass for them (we have astroturf). What grass seeds should i use for this?

Treat dry forage more like pellets. I actually feed dry forage in place of pellets - mine don’t get pellets daily. Calcium content (although of course all nutrients) are concentrated given all the water is removed. It’s fine to feed though.

If they like forage I can recommend Piggie Parcels. A company run by a member of this forum.
Piggie Parcels is great as you can buy single bags of specific types of forage so you can adjust the amounts which are given, rather than not knowing exactly how much of what type they are getting like with commercial mixes

Any grass seed is fine provided it hasn’t been treated to stop it being eaten by birds and mice.
Some garden centres sell it loose (in my experience, it tends to be smaller independent shops) and can tell you more about the specific types.
Hi, can i feed my guinea pigs celery sticks?

I’m being careful and not feeding any Hugh collate or calcium veggies to do all i can to prevent the reformation of bladder stones after having a shock the other month when my boy developed one (we thought we may have to PTS:( )
I feed bell pepper
Sweet gem lettuce
Every day but it’s boring for them and i want variety!
Thank you
Celery is fine but make sure you chop it up into small chucks as it can be stringy which can get wrapped around inside them
I feed my piggies aubergine (egg plant) on a daily basis as well as cucumber, lettuce, pepper. They love sugar snap peas which they have as an occasional treat along with celery when I have it. They also love a bit of radish.
Celery is fine but make sure you chop it up into small chucks as it can be stringy which can get wrapped around inside them
My sister told me this too. She seen it on............ Facebook, which explains everything. It's a load of rubbish. Mine get it in thin strips and they're absolutely fine.
I feed celery most days. On a side note I have noticed over the years it is often the first veggies pigs who have been poorly and off their food want to start eating again.