Cedric is sad no longer!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 19, 2010
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I posted a wee while ago about my single boar Cedric being very blue while waiting for his new friend. Well today he and his new friend were introduced in the run. Bertie was in first and hiding in a corner and when Cedric was put in he went straight over and the two snuggled up together.

It was the first time Cedric has eaten grass since we got him and I was quite tearful. The two boys seemed quite fond of each other.

Now they are in their new (to both of them) cage and after a bit of friendly chasing they seem to have settled down for the night. I am so happy that things seem to be going well and I have everything crossed that they go from strength to strength!
So do I, Cedric is such a sweetheart and really deserves to be happy. We are lucky that one of our rescued sows had a baby boar and I even got to cut his cord when he was born so it would mean a lot if the two of them bonded and were happy together.
Great news! I can't wait to meet Cedric and his new friend!

I am glad that everything has gone so well so far and very much hope that it continues!
I think the initial intro has gone very smoothly and there has been no sign of aggression on either side. Now we just need to get through the teenage stage!
aahh glad things are going well, I hope their friendship goes from strength to strength
aww i really hope they remain good friends. :) they are so miserable on their own
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