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Cedar in the same room?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 10, 2022
Reaction score
Hello, my parents had a hand carved cedar chest made for me a few years back and I’ve just gotten it as it took a while to carve. I had no idea about it. Today I put it in my room and noticed a slight cedar scent so I wanted to check to make sure it was safe to be in my bedroom with the pigs. But all the articles I can find are only talking about using cedar as bedding. Nothing about how safe it was to have just in the same room so I was wondering if anyone knew if it was okay?
I believe it is the oils in the cedar which make it an unsuitable for bedding in pigs, as it works like an irritant to them, such as spraying perfume.

I think the fact that it is producing a noticeable amount of smell/aroma, I would feel better having it elsewhere. Is there perhaps another room it can be moved to?
I believe it is the oils in the cedar which make it an unsuitable for bedding in pigs, as it works like an irritant to them, such as spraying perfume.

I think the fact that it is producing a noticeable amount of smell/aroma, I would feel better having it elsewhere. Is there perhaps another room it can be moved to
I moved it from my room and put it into the spare but I’ll have to find a new place for it as my grandparents aren’t happy that it’s there