Cavy Comic


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 22, 2013
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Hi, I have been a non-active member on here for a long time. I had piggies for many, many years myself.

In the spring of 2004, I started making a few comics just for fun, on an old forum. I was inspired by our piggies I had back then, as they were a real hoot. Not just very loveable pigs, but way too funny, causing lots of shenanigans, mayhem and making us fold double with laughter. Members loved it so much, as there was no comic about piggies back then, I was ordered to make more, lol. I have been doing it ever since, free to read, weekly.

The comics are about often many things which really happened, but turned into a comic. The pigs also do a lot of cosplay to keep themselves entertained in the comic. Characters like PigElvis, Bink Sinatra, PigZilla, Pigcasso, Bink Bob Ross, PigEinstein, etc, come to mind.

In 2006, I became disabled and as the verdict was MS and a few other health issues, I decided to prevent quitting the comics early because of my health. I drew the comics' characters by hand and scanned them all in. When I had a better day, which was not often, I drew the extra features I needed to complete the comics. Then I juggled the lot around to create a comic in Paint. I always had a few years of comics ready to go ahead of me.

Yet, the days that I was able to draw extras became once a year, then none. Last year, I had to give that up. I can't draw anymore.

I decided to turn the whole idea around and create comics with the help of AI . Basically, I do the same thing as before: I created a massive amount of my characters in different ways, saved them in my data storage, and ask AI to create extra props, then juggle it all around in Photoshop to create a comic. This makes it a lot easier on me, but it still is the same amount of work. I have gotten better at using the software, but it still takes hours to finish one comic, spread out over days even because of my health. Personally, I am chuffed with the help of AI, as it has made the ideas much more visually clear and funny for me. Hub is still my proofreader, as I am also terribly dyslexic.

For 21 years, the comics have been for free to have people enjoy them weekly. I recently decided to put them on Instagram too, so people would not be confined to Facebook to read them. For those of you who are on Facebook, there is an old page which is not updated frequently, but my group is. Enjoy!

Cavy Comic on Facebook

Cavy Comic
Thank you for this! I do remember you from back in the day. Welcome back to TGPF