Cats and guinea pigs?


New Born Pup
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
Houston tx
Good evening!
My boyfriend and I currently live in a two bedroom apartment and we are looking to move to a one bedroom. Two bedrooms are getting too expensive right now! My three guinea pigs stay in a separate bedroom away from my cat. She is not allowed in the room at all. She’s very very curious I guess you could say about them. She has very stalker like instincts. She stalks them if I have them out but she is not aloud anywhere near them. We can’t find any where to put the guinea pigs in a one bedroom apartment except for the living room. I just get so nervous having her around them because I will not let anything happen to them.
Do y’all have any cat proofed cages? How does it work? What did y’all use?
I have a C & C cage that has a lid made from the grids, but I am not sure that its entirely safe from the cats if I were to leave them in the same room. Its safe from them getting into it but not from the cats putting their paws through the bars.

If I were to be in the same situation, I would probably look at making something really sturdy out of untreated wood and mesh so the cats couldn't put any paws through and also it would have to have a bottom, unlike my C & c cage.
I have a C & C cage that has a lid made from the grids, but I am not sure that its entirely safe from the cats if I were to leave them in the same room. Its safe from them getting into it but not from the cats putting their paws through the bars.

If I were to be in the same situation, I would probably look at making something really sturdy out of untreated wood and mesh so the cats couldn't put any paws through and also it would have to have a bottom, unlike my C & c cage.
Oh my goodness, that is actually a really good idea! You just sparked a ton of ideas in my head! Their cage is made out of wood right now actually and they have plexiglass/grids as the front so it’s high enough for them to not jump over. I could probably switch it out for a mesh type material so she couldn’t stick her paws through. Thank you! ❤️