Catching piggies

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Dec 6, 2010
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Cocoa and Ginger have been with us about two months now.

Every evening, they "watch TV with mommy." I cover the couch with towels and they run around like crazy pigs, play with their toys and climb into my lap for cuddles.

My question is: Is it normal for piggies to act like they're scared to death of being picked up? Unless I catch them when they're sleeping, my guys run around like I'm going to kill them. The second they're in my arms, they calm down.

I think thats pretty normal. Most of mine dont like being picked up although a couple of them do and actually crawl onto my hands to get lifted ..... the rest will pop into a snuggly bed to get picked up - theyd rather do that than have my hands on them ,.... lol rolleyes
I have a couple that are 2 years old and still cause a fuss when I go to pick them up lol Then there are others that just allow me to and some that are a mix of both. I have a piggy that is 4 years old and he loves having cuddles with me, but sometimes he will still run away from me lol
Out of 8 piggies I have 4 that will let you pick them up relatively easy the others make it their mission to tire me out by chasing them lol
I think thats pretty normal. Most of mine dont like being picked up although a couple of them do and actually crawl onto my hands to get lifted ..... the rest will pop into a snuggly bed to get picked up - theyd rather do that than have my hands on them ,.... lol rolleyes
Thank you, CandyFloss. :rose It's good to know that that's normal. I know that they're prey animals, so I figure that no matter how sweetly I talk to them, they're not going to be happy about a pair of hands swooping down to pick them up.

That's really cute about them letting you pick up their snuggly bed with them in it.

I have a couple that are 2 years old and still cause a fuss when I go to pick them up lol Then there are others that just allow me to and some that are a mix of both. I have a piggy that is 4 years old and he loves having cuddles with me, but sometimes he will still run away from me lol
Thank you, Astral Heart. :rose I appreciate hearing your experience with your piggies.

Out of 8 piggies I have 4 that will let you pick them up relatively easy the others make it their mission to tire me out by chasing them lol
Guinea-wiggles, that's funny... :(|) I tell my boys, "You know I'm not going to hurt you," as they run around like a hawk is trying to swoop down on them.
I've had my 2 girls for about 6 and a half years and they still sometimes seem to think they are in a piggie rodeo when I go to scoop them up, a lasso would probably be helpful at that point.
Most of the time it depends on their personalities I think, Aglaia is shy and stands stock still when being picked up and Anoush wheeks and makes a fuss, naturally they are delighted the instant they are put down on my lap for a cuddle and forget that I was OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO MURDER THEM. again. xo
Putt our piggle is 4 and she still runs around the cage at high speeds when we're trying to pick her up. We started using a 'chube' to great effect but since we've been catching her to give her some medicine she has got wise and the chase is back on!
I think some will never grow out of it, even though when you do catch them they enjoy lap time
I've had my 2 girls for about 6 and a half years and they still sometimes seem to think they are in a piggie rodeo when I go to scoop them up, a lasso would probably be helpful at that point.
Most of the time it depends on their personalities I think, Aglaia is shy and stands stock still when being picked up and Anoush wheeks and makes a fuss, naturally they are delighted the instant they are put down on my lap for a cuddle and forget that I was OBVIOUSLY TRYING TO MURDER THEM. again. xo

Putt our piggle is 4 and she still runs around the cage at high speeds when we're trying to pick her up. We started using a 'chube' to great effect but since we've been catching her to give her some medicine she has got wise and the chase is back on!
I think some will never grow out of it, even though when you do catch them they enjoy lap time

dollheart and sport_billy, both of your posts made me chuckle. "Piggie rodeo" -- ha!

I'm relieved to know that Cocoa and Ginger aren't the only piggies who act like their lives are in danger when they're being picked up. Silly piggies. :rose
I would say it's normal- I sometimes have to chase my pigs around too (not so much in the cage, but if I have to pick them up from floor time I have a race on my hands!) I think it's natural instinct because they are prey animals by nature... in the wild, something big swooping down from above to scoop you up is not a good thing so the instinct is naturally to run for it!
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