catch the piggy!

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New Born Pup
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
As my piggies are getting bigger they are getting even more impossible to catch! rolleyes
I dread the time i got to stop exercise time as i seem to spend lots of time crawling around after them while they dash about!
Why cant they just stop for once and let me pick them up! ?/
It is there duty to run around and give you exercise also! :))

I still can't catch our 5yr old pig! I herd her into a 'chube' and pick her up that way often, or occasionally pick her up when she's unaware...
It is there duty to run around and give you exercise also! :))

I still can't catch our 5yr old pig! I herd her into a 'chube' and pick her up that way often, or occasionally pick her up when she's unaware...

lol i do that
Lol sometimes I think they know exactly what they're doing and must think it's funny to watch us struggle to catch them rolleyes:))
I'm finding that I am getting somewhere with Thumper by just having my hand in their cage to let them come to me, we've even had a wee game with his jingly ball! xx>>> He is getting easier to catch since I've been doing this. Tigger however I think is always just going to be a skittish pig who likes giving me a good workout when I need to lift him :)p
My Tam is a right bugga to grab hold of.
She is sooo forward when its food time. Is the only one that makes enough noise to wake a heard of elephants. She will come up to the side of the cage for a nose, and when its food time shes up on the side feet hanging over sniffing my nose. But when it comes to picking her up.... NOOO WAY HOOSAYYY Is she having any of that
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