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Cat Spot On. Wth.

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
So although I strictly stated 'NO SPOT ON' and wrote down a dosage and the way in which it should be administered (through recommendation), said vet today, decided my instructions were not 'valid' obviously and gave the boys some cat spot-on.

Which apparently they don't need any more of, and it's really good and that in 4 weeks all our problems should be solved.

Not sure if I'm over reacting, but I'm kind of mad.
It may be Advantage, I think they may use that in the US but am not that up on the types of Spot on as I don't use it. Are the boys ok? no red patches or anything where it was administered?
I can't see any red patches, not ok Frank but I can't see where it was given to Bert? :/
I would think it would be ok but it is annoying that she didn't acknowledge what you had specifically asked for. Some vets will only use Spot on and most likely have not seen the effects it can have on some pigs.
But will it work with one treatment? :/

Yeah I think that's what's annoyed me the most the fact she didn't acknowledge what I'd asked for. It's weird it doesn't look like Bert has any on and he's the one that itches?
Was it definitely given to both pigs?

I have no idea am afraid, usually even with Spot on they need 3 rounds but I am not sure about the cat strength one.
Was it definitely given to both pigs?

I have no idea am afraid, usually even with Spot on they need 3 rounds but I am not sure about the cat strength one.

I'm sure Cai said both, as that's why they both went. Bert was worse than Frank pulling his hair out and scratching. I'm double checking with him but he's in college.

Yeah, as normally the eggs hatch... We are seeing Lance next Wednesday to see if any improvement with the infection and such... so I'll take Bert along for 'company' and then bring it up. As then if he disagrees or whatever, he can maybe sort it then. I don't have long until I go home for Christmas either. D:
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