Cat Flaps

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Mar 6, 2007
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Hi all,

As you may know i built a special piggy shed and run. Ill show pictures. An was wundering if i put in cat flaps, would they use them? Any one else use cat flaps?

Here is pigtures.

I was going to put the cat flap were the red square is. The shed doesnt look like that anymore, were the ply wood is, its now all got cladding? (fence pannel stuff) and the door has a wooden board along bottom hlf and mesh at top half, i have a new lock, a hasp and staple buy without the padlock be, a key lock one. Yes the run does have a lid. Ill post piccys of what it now looks like in a bit.
I think they would use a cat flap :) as long as it isnt too heavy... so they can push it :)
You could even do somthing like this if that wouldnt work:


So the door lifts up and down to open and close the piggies door
I have one of them on my chicken coop, i just thought that i could lock it at night and then in the day unlock it so they can go intot he run wenever.
you mean lock the cat flap?
I'm sure if it is light enough for them to push through they will use it :)
You will prob have to show them how to use it the first few times though ;D
yes lock the cat flap, I will wait for other people to say aswell before i order one from ebay though, mabey other people might have them. BW- I'm just curious, is it the middle of the night were you are?
I'm home-schooled at the moment and mum had to do somthing today so she let me have a day off :)
Oh, so basicly you had the day off from being taught today then lol
Oh lol, we both edited the post at the same time haha
Lol, Is it strange that when you come on int eh day, hardly any1 else is on here?
yer... thats why I come on early morning when its packed full of people on here ;D
Anybody use them for the piggies or ever used them?
Can't you make a little wooden door with hinges that you can lock but keep open? I'm not sure whether they would learn to open the cat flap...
Thats a good idea Jane, but what would be the best way to lock it?
Tom_cat said:
Thats a good idea Jane, but what would be the best way to lock it?

I'm not sure....maybe like one of those latch thingies that goes across then a little padlocks, can't remember what the little latches are called...will think about it..hmm...
here are some ideas... this is the locks to the girls nighthouse theyre very secure... although with your door remember to make sure it cant open backwards... otherwise locks are pointless ;D


yer... but I dont lock it and I leave it open throughout the day :) but they like to hide in there :D
I thought they lived in a c&c, do you mind me asking do you shut them in at night? It would certainly stop the sqeeks
Yer they do :) the box thingy is attatched to their C+C with cable ties :)
I did shut them in last night (it has a tonn of air holes and wire at the back of it) and for once patchouli didnt wake me ;D
But I dont usually shut them in :)
LOL, i spose they dont make a noise when its cosy and pitch black haha.
;d yer it does keep them a bit quieter... but they chew on the holes when they want to come out :D
yes I use a cat flap i got mine from p@h its the smallest one they make I dont think big cats would fit the buns have one too and yes they are both lockable ( in, out or both ) The buns seem better at it than the piggies but they do use it
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