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Hi all,
I'm thinking of getting Dillon castrated as he loves Violet, we had to put them back together as he stopped eating which is ok at the mo as she is pregnant but I really have to seperate them soon. So is it safe, has anyone ever lost a pig from having it done and how soon could he go back with Violet after having it done?
You need to wait about 3-4 weeks after neutering before re-introducing. Do you know about post-partum estrus? If your sow gives birth she is in season right away so there is a huge risk in leaving them together as she could end up pregnant again straight away which is very dangerous for her.

If you have a vet who's done the op before and Dillon is fit and healthy it should be a straightforward op. I have a neutered boy (who was already done when I adopted him) and he loves his four girlies.
I know I have to seperate them but he loves her so much he wont eat without her, we are going to the vets this afternoon to discuss castration and to check up on Violet after her trouble at the weekend (fingers crossed the babies are ok) I think i will keep them seperated when i'm not there but let them eat together and have supervised snuggle time ::)
Well if you do plan on getting him castrated be careful. Make sure you have an experienced vet who has done it before and don't be scared to ask for success rates etc . . . It should cost around £60, atleast thats what my vet told me when I was thinking of getting Spike castrated. For the meantime once the babies are born you could try seperating them with a screen of grass so that they can still see and hear each other just can't get to each other :)
Kiran said:
Well if you do plan on getting him castrated be careful. Make sure you have an experienced vet who has done it before and don't be scared to ask for success rates etc . . . It should cost around £60, atleast thats what my vet told me when I was thinking of getting Spike castrated. For the meantime once the babies are born you could try seperating them with a screen of grass so that they can still see and hear each other just can't get to each other :)

I'm assuming you really meant GLASS as any grass divider would not last five minutes! LOL ;D ;D ;D
I agree a grass screen even if it was 10 feet high by 10 feet deep by miles long wouldn't last 5 minutes. As the saying goes ... where they is a will, there is a way! ;)

Milliekitten, I have two males who have been castrated - Rikkyboy and Stuart. Both were fine during and after the operation although I did worry! The vet checked them before the operation and probably three times after the operation over a span of several weeks and in both cases the scars healed nicely and very quickly. Rikkyboy and Stuart both live with females now and very happily too. Their temperaments have changed. They are calmer, and dare I say it, seem to smell sweeter :)

However, do check out the vet first and ask how many guinea pigs he has castrated and also ask what aftercare, i.e. check-ups, are included in the cost.

I have another male, Shaun, that currently lives on his own but I would like him to have female company so I am thinking of speaking to the vet about him. He used to live with Stuart, his brother from the same litter, but as puberty hit, Shaun bit Stuart really badly on his back and I had to separate them.

It seems cruel but I know in my heart that Rikkyboy and Stuart are having the time of their lives being bossed about by their lady friends! ;D
I've just spoken to my vet and he says it would cost about £45 to castrate Dillon but he says it can be risky. I think i'll wait and if Violet has any boars then maybe Dillon could live with them. I'm going to partition of the C&C now so they can still see each other and talk together. I swear Dillon is the wimpiest pig ever, a big girls blouse :smitten:
Thanks for all your help and advice
I don't want to put you off but bringing boars together is not always straight forward. Keep in mind they can be dominant. I'm sure you'll make the right decision though.
lol I meant glass oops my bad. I agree a grass divider wouldn't last 2 seconds ;D
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