Carrot addicts

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Jul 9, 2007
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North Norfolk UK
I'm sure my guineas are all addicted to carrots i can't get out the back door before i hear squeeking and they all boys and girls take the carrot bits from my hands sage and woodruff always climd their cages! hilarious to watch :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Apples even more erratic and noisey! :D :D :D
Romaine lettuce at ours. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
They are funny little things. :smitten: :smitten:
Parsley for Gilbert closely followed by Raddish and Tomato. He also eats out of my hand!

Cucumber and Romaine are big favs in our house. Sunshine and Twinkle have gone off spring greens and aren't keen on Kale but they love Romaine. The girls are eating everything as is Cuzzy which I am vey pleased about seeing as my Sows where a bit down a couple of wheeks back!

My girls love broccoli! They are also partial to kale and grapes. I am so excited today I had 2 new girls - Maisie and Poppy! :smitten:
Mine are the same......lots of weeee-weeeeeeeeee when i have carrot or cucumber. ;D
CAM said:
My girls love broccoli! They are also partial to kale and grapes. I am so excited today I had 2 new girls - Maisie and Poppy! :smitten:

Congratulations on Maisie and Poppy.

Mine are addicted to carrots too. My boars are very choosy and they don't like alot of things but the girls love to eat everything I give them.
Mine are currently addicted to corn on the cob :)
They also love their cucumber and green beans, i'm sure they give me dirty looks when i run out of their favourites. :)
my boy loves cucumber , grass and dandelions. he sure loves his greens.

mind you he'll eat lots of things apart from apples unless i havent got anything else to give him that day before shopping ::)
Mine have gone off carrots recently! They love cucumber and brocolli though. They start huge wheeking when they hear the knife on the chopping board - very cute! :smitten:
Mine will eat anything and love it all...but I think possibly Broccilli and Cabbage are all their favourites.
My girls LOVE broccoli and cabbage. Not to fond of celery or tomatoes though.
I was slightly amazed. :o
A bunch of cilantro from the store is usually more than I can possible use before it goes bad. It's like catnip to my piggies. Both look like high power tree shredders eating it. They almost suck it in. ;D I need to make a movie. 88)
Cilantro is what we call coriander right? ? Mine aren`t too fussed on it :(
Basil is the all time fave here as well as home grown grasses from planetguinea....I have nearly had my hand bitten off before ;D
Mine love carrots and broccoli. They won't eat lettuce or cabbage at all. They are also very fond of parsley and spinach.
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