New Born Pup
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this forum and wanted a bit of advice.
I have had guineas for some time now and never before had issues, currently my numbers are at 12 (all females). My guineas live in a 8ftx15ft enclosure housed with 14 forein finches and have got a dozen hidey holes but tend to share 2 or 3, they have lived like this for around 6 months, they get fed a good quality pellet which is on tap then topped up daily with a shed load of fresh veg and hay and you name it they get it.
The thing that is worrying me is that the weekend before christmas I lost 5 guineas, they just vanished, then 4 days later, I went up to feed them their daily veg and 5 of the females were gathered round eating something. I cleared them away and found a pile of dead birds which they were very happily feasting on. The birds (if you are wondering) feast on the grass which is planted for the guineas to graze on, so i can only assume a couple of the dominant females had attacked them whilst grazing?
On seeing this i cleared out all their hidey holes and found half a dozen rear legs that i can only assume belong to the missing guineas.
My guineas have been actively killing and eating there pen buddies.
Can someone please give me advice on this as it freaking me out?
many thanks
I'm new to this forum and wanted a bit of advice.
I have had guineas for some time now and never before had issues, currently my numbers are at 12 (all females). My guineas live in a 8ftx15ft enclosure housed with 14 forein finches and have got a dozen hidey holes but tend to share 2 or 3, they have lived like this for around 6 months, they get fed a good quality pellet which is on tap then topped up daily with a shed load of fresh veg and hay and you name it they get it.
The thing that is worrying me is that the weekend before christmas I lost 5 guineas, they just vanished, then 4 days later, I went up to feed them their daily veg and 5 of the females were gathered round eating something. I cleared them away and found a pile of dead birds which they were very happily feasting on. The birds (if you are wondering) feast on the grass which is planted for the guineas to graze on, so i can only assume a couple of the dominant females had attacked them whilst grazing?
On seeing this i cleared out all their hidey holes and found half a dozen rear legs that i can only assume belong to the missing guineas.
My guineas have been actively killing and eating there pen buddies.
Can someone please give me advice on this as it freaking me out?
many thanks