Career change

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2006
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Has anyone here had a complete career change lately? I am completely lacking motivation at the moment and don't know what to do! I'm 26 and people say 'you're young, go and get another job' but I don't feel brave enough... :(

I already did a 4 year degree (Italian and German) and a one-year Masters course. I've been working where I am for 3 years but am disliking the 'business-y' environment more and more. People are so stressed and think everything of theirs is so important. It's making me think I'd rather do something more worthwhile. I've considered nursing (wish I'd been a doctor really) or even primary teaching but the thought of taking time out and not earning is not very appealing. Especially since I bought a flat in March and have a mortgage to pay :(

Maybe it's just because it's January but I hate feeling so bored at work!
My jobs have been:

YTS - working at a riding stables - 17 years old

Tesco- nights - 18 years old - 23 years old

Had a break to bring kids up

Co-op - 30 years old

Then I did childminding and worked as a class room assisent

Now I work at a Vets as a recepionist! (36 years old)
Would love to be a vet nurse! But we will just have to wait and see, just glad I have a job that I love.
ooh nursing - really? will it be a degree? where will it be? and will you do a 3 year course? i see there are accelerated courses for graduates but I think you need a 'health-related' subject, which I don't have.

(sorry, so many questions... just got a bit excited at the thought of someone doing what i want to do...) :)
Ever since I graduated I wnated to be a Dr. I actually applied but didn't get on the course. I work with Drs now and have seen the nomadic lifestyle they have, six months here, six months there. I can see that at my time of life - 30 - it's too nomadic for me. The Drs here have been so supportive and tell me I could do it. Academically I think I could, but emotionally no. I want to put down roots and don't want to find myself in my early 40s competing with people ten years younger for reg jobs.

So I thought about nursing. You can do a diploma at Truro and I desperately want to move home to Cornwall. These days there are good jobs in nursing with good money. I would want to be in theatres/ endoscopy. The Drs here are beinf great about it, and I have been invited to apply for a course scholarship - as a graduate you can.
Been a porter in A+E.
Now care assistant in a hospital. Plus wiaiting to start my police training.
Going for the job of Call operator with Surrey police. *fingers crossed i get it*
If you don't like your job, get out. You'll only end up hating it and it'l be so hard just to get out of bed in the morning just to go to work.
I always wanted to work with animals but never seems to be anything about, not without me having to study again which I can't afford to do unless it's part of the job.... For now I am going to do some of the CCT courses this year to at least get me some more knowledge of my lovely piggers.

Otherwise I'd like to get more in SQL (IT) and get a better wage.
I do PA/secretarial stuff and enjoy it but do quite often think I should've made the effort to do something else. But I'm married, have mortgage, animals and I'm lucky enough to be part time so sometimes I think it's better the devil you know ...

I'd say if you're not that happy, then go for something else. When I was at school we did this career test thing, it was loads and loads of multiple choice questions and the idea was that at the end it gave you your ideal career.

One of my top options was ... wait for it .... shepherd.
I wish you the best of luck. I'm struggling at the moment as no one wants to take me on as I have no experience yet in admin and yet I have qualifications (only a Level 3), and according to one person my only thing I can do is shelf stack in a charity shop :-\

Clare xx
ugh now I'm looking for a job from today

my office " got rid " of me because basically theyre all related and wanted rid
tomm I'm seeking legal advice and I'm gonna take that firm to the cleaners

I'm just sitting here crying
Ill let you know what happens,I need to go see Citizens Advice or something tomm,if anyones got any ideas of how to go about an unfair dismissal thingy lemme know,it seems theyve broken shedloads of rules ;)
Sars1359 said:
Ill let you know what happens,I need to go see Citizens Advice or something tomm,if anyones got any ideas of how to go about an unfair dismissal thingy lemme know,it seems theyve broken shedloads of rules ;)

How long have you worked there for?
Sars1359 said:
Ill let you know what happens,I need to go see Citizens Advice or something tomm,if anyones got any ideas of how to go about an unfair dismissal thingy lemme know,it seems theyve broken shedloads of rules ;)
Just seen this - its 'constructive dismissal' to make you life hell to make you walk. or make it bad enough to make you mess up so they can sack you....

Best off out of there girl. Have the rest of the week off & cuddle your pigs. I should be saying sorry - but really its CONGRATULATIONS!
Sars1359 said:
1 year and 4 months..why?

Because once you've been there for a year you've got more rights, under a year very few unless you can prove sexual or racial discrimination. As you've been there over a year that doesn't apply. A lot would depend on whether they've followed the correct procedures to dismiss you (if that's what happened) Good luck!
nope they didnt follow the correct procedure thats why we're lookin into it,several people have said theyre in the wrong
Good luck with suing them.
You are so better of out of there love - no one should have to out up with that on a daily basis
Everything happens for a reason so trust in that and keep your pecker up and soon you will start to feel better.
sarahp said:
Has anyone here had a complete career change lately? I am completely lacking motivation at the moment and don't know what to do! I'm 26 and people say 'you're young, go and get another job' but I don't feel brave enough... :(

I already did a 4 year degree (Italian and German) and a one-year Masters course. I've been working where I am for 3 years but am disliking the 'business-y' environment more and more. People are so stressed and think everything of theirs is so important. It's making me think I'd rather do something more worthwhile. I've considered nursing (wish I'd been a doctor really) or even primary teaching but the thought of taking time out and not earning is not very appealing. Especially since I bought a flat in March and have a mortgage to pay :(

Maybe it's just because it's January but I hate feeling so bored at work!

I know what you mean. I was all for doing this last year but decided that i like earning the money too much to go back to retraining.
Office politics drive me mental. I mean, why cant everyone just be nice?
I'm going to move to Hampshire within the next few years so the time to take stock will be then I think
sars did you have any written warnings I believe they have to give you at least one maybe 2 before they can just fire you, what a bunch of idiots they have dropped themselves in it, you go girl, tka them for what ever you can, and lay it on thick,
i know what you mean, billies mum. i work in a small office which I think is even worse than a big place. Besides, there are no men here... maybe that is what the problem is!

I think moving house etc. is probably a good time for you - if the money side of it was ok.
Yes - I'm going to grin and bear it til then and then have a good old think about things whilst I take a part time job in Waitrose :)

What are you going to do?
I'm itching to get a part time job but dont think my health will allow it, got neuro tomorrow to see if my arm will ever get better, trouble is my left wrist is bad with arthritius so I have to wear a splint and my right am is very weak and cannot use it, so I think I'm going to end up registered disabled
Sorry to hear about your job Sars :(

Sarah I went through quite a major life and job change over a year ago, and although I'm earning much less now its defiently been worth it.

Could you talk to a careers advisor? I know my old uni allowed graduates to come back for advise whenever they needed it, so that might be a place to start? Or your local library?

What kind of thing ideally would you like to do?
i didnt have any written or verbal warnings,the office boss was gonna talk to me and sort out any probs but never did,I went in the back office with her last night and she told me I was sacked,it seems strange that theres one of the girls that left on maternity leave coming back this week and shes been there years..hmmmmm

Ive rang ACAS but theyre busy and been down to citizens advice ,theyve given me numbers to ring and said I have a case
theres various reasons they can be dragged thru hell,one being that every day I had to take cash and cheques to the bank at the same time and on my own..last week I took 800.000k to the bank alone..ive never had a contract either and when theyve paid me and another girl its never been on time.
I had a complete career change 2 years ago.

When I left school I didn't know what I wanted to do and followed the advice of a friend and joined the post office (on the counter). From there I went on to the personnel department. Sometimes I quite enjoyed the work, but towards the end I was finding it completely unfulfilling. I left work after my second child was born.

When both children were at school I wanted to go back to work but knew I didn't want to work in an office environment again. It was my husband's idea that I could set up my own business as a gardener. I've been a keen gardener for years but up to that point I hadn't even though of the possibility of doing my favourite pastime as a career.

Anyway, that's what I do now and I'm loving it! :)

Sars - It sounds like you're best off out of that job. They've treated you really badly.

When I worked in a personnel department I was responsible for drawing up written contracts of employment.When you employer first took you on, did they state whether it was a permanent or temporary position (e.g. covering staff absence)? Certainly, if you're employed continuously for over 12 weeks you are entitled to a written contract which (at least with my former employer) would give details of the length of contract, disciplinary procedures, notice periods, etc.

There's some useful info on on Unfair Dismissal and Wrongful Dismissal.

Best of luck. ;)
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