Cardboard in pigs home


New Born Pup
Aug 15, 2022
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Hello I’m wondering if I should take out all cardboard from my piggies little area when I go to sleep. He has a cardboard box that we made doors in for him and he loves to hangout in it and other tunnels we have made from boxes. However he like others likes to eat cardboard sometimes I’ve seen that it is normal for them too and it’s ok but they can get blocked up by it so I’m a bit confused should I just take out all cardboard or is it safe? He doesn’t eat a lot of it but from I do notice where he has chewed on the cardboard and I’m assuming he swallows it because I don’t see scraps all over. I make sure to note how much he poops and if he seems like he is pooping less at all. The boxes are Amazon boxes (none of the parts that had stickers on them though) I’ve seen on this site alot that Amazon boxes are a popular thing for pigs but I want to make sure it’s safe that he nibbles on them sometimes. I included pictures of the box. Apologies for rambling


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Chewing them is completely normal
Do they have other hides available to them? Make sure if you do choose to remove the boxes that there is still enough hides for him and his cage mate to go into

Poop output is not reliable gauge of hay intake. It’s the weekly weight checks which are vital
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Yea there’s a lot of hides for him that aren’t cardboard and that he doesn’t chew on and thanks I should have thought about weighing more i will do it every week now
Most of my piggies have loved chewing on a good cardboard box.
I would say it's actually a great source of stimulation for them.
As long as they have plenty of hay at all times then it is fine for them to chew on some cardboard too.