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New Born Pup
Jan 22, 2017
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United Kingdom
Hi, my guinea pigs (10 months old), Buddy and Coco are both travelling for 3 hours tomorrow in a car. Does anyone have advice for that car journey, I'm really nervous.

Many thanks, Hannah.
Welcome to the Forum.
I am sure your boys will be fine.
I would suggest packing a spare carrier (or cardboard box) in case they get a bit grumpy or the journey takes longer than expected.
Make sure you have water available and some watery veg (like cucumber), again in case of delays.
Have an absorbent layer on the bottom of the carrier and stuff it with hay.
Make sure the carrier is properly secured in the car so it doesn't slide around.

Good luck with your journey.
Welcome to the Forum.
I am sure your boys will be fine.
I would suggest packing a spare carrier (or cardboard box) in case they get a bit grumpy or the journey takes longer than expected.
Make sure you have water available and some watery veg (like cucumber), again in case of delays.
Have an absorbent layer on the bottom of the carrier and stuff it with hay.
Make sure the carrier is properly secured in the car so it doesn't slide around.

Good luck with your journey.

(I am her sister and this is Coco)

Thank you so much, this was so helpful!
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