This is Capy, my skinny pig. She is around 5 months old now. She is modeling a lovely festive Reindeer jumper/sock, which has been modified to keep her snugg and stop scratching her skin, obs' no hair she causes little scratches over her body.
I got her when she was 8 weeks old. I think she is gorgeous! I have a strong feelings about the breeds and what I do and dont want to happen to them. I for one, am against them being sold in pet stores. I truely hope and prey this does not happen, but like anything I am sure it will. The need specialist care and can not be kept outside, they need to have a constant heat source. Capy eats like a horse also, I have been told this is down to the high metablism, which keeps her body warm. I have wanted a Skinny from 2003 and it has taken me nearly 3 years to be happy with all the research I have done and be happy I can afford the constant care and attension she needs.