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Captain has an abscess in his cheek

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Whilst grooming Captain the other night, I noticed his cheek on one side was quite puffy and his mouth was slightly twisted. Took him to the vets yesterday and it was confirmed that he has an abscess in hs cheek which is getting removed today.

I'm picking him up later today.

The vet said that a course of antibiotics would be in order, post op and this is what i am very concerned about. My previous guinea pig who also had an abscess had baytril for 3 days before a probiotic was suggested. I changed vets after that escapade as I was furious that they let me treat him with the antibiotic with no mention of a pro-biotic. The guinea pig, by then was too weak to react well to the pro-biotic, it was too late to do any good. THe baytril had eaten into his system and killed off his good gut fauna. I therefore am really wary of the dangers of antibiotics and I would love to hear the best ways of treating piggies to avoid any upsets with baytril.

I am dreading the next few days as I am expecting Captain to have tummy upsets and go off his food due to the baytril. I will insist on the probiotic this time.

How do you all manage with the administration of antibiotics and what should I expect, reaction wise?
Just had phonecall from vet.

His x ray showed good teeth but his abscess is situated in an awkward place and cannot be removed in whole as it would affect his lips. THerefore he is getting it drained and lanced.

THe vet told me that I will have to flush and drain it at home afterwards and will show me what to do tonight when I pick him up.

Can anybody here give me any tips on doing this?
yes have been in exactly same position as you squeak also had a cheek abcess caused by a piece of wood on the inside of her mouth, she had it drained as also couldn't completely removed it like captains, now a days when baytil is prescribed which needs to be obviuosly as the baytril will fight the infection, but this time ask for fiberplex its a carrot flavour dose release tube probiotics easy as anything just turn click once then put tip in mouth and push top they love it ,
to flush it out is also pretty easy what I do is wrap in towel so all 4 legs are out of the way hold him over sink have some warm hibiscrub ( you might get this from vet or chemists do it) some use salt but i much prefer hibiscrub for infections, suck up some water and syringe into the hole while holding over sink so it runs out and doesn't soak the pig or towel or you for that matter, do this a few times and twice a day it keeps the wound open, dry and wallah done
Squeaks did close too early and needed reopening in the vets but not anything major, it went and she never ever had more problems with it, I understand your worry but from my experience it was fine, let us know how you get on and any more problems just ask ;)
Thank you for your notes.

I feel more armed to cope with the after-care. My vet doesn't tend to take much time in showing me how to administer meds etc.

I'll ask for the carroty pro-biotic. Captain loves carrots so he should like it.

It's funny, my nephew named him Captain Jack after the Pirates of the Carribean film. He is a large self black and maybe reminded my young nephew of a pirate etc. Anyway, as I am his owner, I have shortened his name to Captain and it really suits him! However, I felt a bit embarrassed at the vet surgery in the reception last night, the receptionist announced in a really loud voice to the whole waiting room "The Captain!" as it was our turn to be seen. Sometimes i wish they would use the owner's name instead of the animal's!

The waiting room was full and everybody turned to look at who on earth was "The Captain", probably expecting a large dog etc.
I adore black selfs my floo is a black self and adorable mummys boy in fact, you will do fine with aftercare and I'm sure he will enjoy the probiotic carrot paste, let me know how it goes, would recomend you getting some hibiscrub to keep in your first aid box,
my vets know me by first name luckly, thinking of some of my piggys names would make me blush lol amgoing tomorrow with dobby to get his foot checked out
Good luck with Captain, we had to have one of Duke's abscesses open and i had to flush it twice a day. Michelle's advice was absolutely spot on, exactly what i was told and what we did. It's messy but you do get used to it, and then you'll have a new Captain who'll appreciate your loving attentions once he realises that it'll make him better.
Sending piggie kisses and cuddles to help him recover :-* :-*
Captain has returned home, feeling very sorry for himself.

The vet has asked me to return with him tomorrow (2 days after surgery) when she will check the wound. Due to the position, she said that I did not need to drain it until she sees him, then she will show me. Poor wee man. His wound is right under his chin and difficult to get to. I had a quick check this morning and there seems to be a small scab on it. I will soften it off tonight with damp cotton wool when i get home from work and open the hole. I will try and get that hibiscrub stuff from the chemist today. Otherwise, can I use mild salted water? I'm not looking forward to this part at all. He wriggles a lot, despite being wrapped in a towel.

Anyway, Captain is on 0.6mls of Septrin twice a day and Bio Lapis. Michelle, I asked for the carroty probiotc which she will order in for me. In the meantime he takes his Bio Lapis with a tiny touch of Ribena. He is not a great water drinker so I can't put it in his water bottle as he hardly touches it. So I have to syringe it in to ensure he gets it.

Another question, the antibiotic is quite thick and I have to syringe it into his mouth. I have been putting in small amounts and then letting him swallow (or he pretends to swallow) before attempting the next dose. Is this correct or should he just get the whole dose inserted quickly once and for all? I think it is too large a dose for a one off, but it does make him stressed being in that position.

He was eating fine last night and his poops were solid, although less plentiful than before.

Phew! It's going to be a long haul! Luckily my partner is a great help and he holds him while I do all the syringing.
just syrine his medication in gently and maybe do it in 2 stages other wise you will get a panicky pig as long as he gets it thats ok any way you do it will work,
I find cotton wool sticks to the scab so try cotton if you have it like an old hankey,
salted water is fine as a stop gap but hibiscrub is great for germs etc and rememebr to wash your hands before and after otherwise you may introduce nastys into the wound
just off to take my dobby for his first visit to the vet for his bumble foot ,
Thanks again for the tips. Never thought about the cotton wool sticking, I have an old hanky so that will be perfect.

Poor Dobby and his sore foot. Hope all goes ok at the vet.
Update on Captain and his progress.

Vet is very pleased with my little boy. We've been on daily flushings which unfortunately has to be done at the surgery due to the location of the abscess. It is right on his lip and under his jaw. Very tricky to get to and I was not confident enough to do it at home. So every day since last week we have gone up and he gets flushed out. What a gruesome sight! THe first day he had orangy pus and a lot of gunk. THe next day and thereafter his flushings have been clean and we are now down to every second day flushings.

I was very worried about his possible reaction to antibiotics but if anything, Captain has become more greedy! He is eating things which he previously ignored! Becoming a real fatty.

He's ever so good with taking his syringe with the meds. I got Fibreplex for his pro-biotic and his tummy has been fine. His lips were previously twisted up in a sort of snarl due to the abscess. They seem to be realigned better now.

It's costing me a fortune! £200 to date! Can you believe that the x-ray of his jaw cost £70 alone! That plus his operation came to £145, plus the daily visits on top. It all adds up! Just as well I got a bonus this month. Was going to buy new wallpaper and curtains for my bedroom but they can wait.
thats wonderful news I can completley understand some of my piggys had xrays and it really sent the bill sky high BUT we dont mind do we ? we love them so never mind hes worth it,
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