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Can't find info on this noise


New Born Pup
Apr 12, 2020
Reaction score
San Diego
Hi, my name is Ryan I have two young fems absynnians who are 2 years old now. My very large but healthy Daisy Girl started making this very loud noise at the end of dinner time tonight while eating and I have never seen, heard, nor can I find this anywhere on the internet. I'm an experienced owner and have been through many illnesses. Obviously not the crunching sound of them chewing but the brown and white one makes this loud clicker noise or kind of like a pooping noise and in person the noise was very loud. Listening to her breath doesnt really reveal uri symptoms. She's been acting otherwise healthy. I've left my vet a voicemail for tomorrow. This is a link to my google photos video

New video by Ryan Garat

As of right now I can't figure out how to reduce the file size to attach the clip on here but I will keep trying.
Hello. Hopefully someone with more experience will come along soon with some advice. If you’re worried I’d get her checked out at the vets just to be on the safe side. They can get worse quickly. Hope she’s ok.
Could be a tooth issue. It's hard to hear on a video. But almost sounds like when they chatter their teeth. I'd maybe get a vet to look at her back teeth.
Hi, my name is Ryan I have two young fems absynnians who are 2 years old now. My very large but healthy Daisy Girl started making this very loud noise at the end of dinner time tonight while eating and I have never seen, heard, nor can I find this anywhere on the internet. I'm an experienced owner and have been through many illnesses. Obviously not the crunching sound of them chewing but the brown and white one makes this loud clicker noise or kind of like a pooping noise and in person the noise was very loud. Listening to her breath doesnt really reveal uri symptoms. She's been acting otherwise healthy. I've left my vet a voicemail for tomorrow. This is a link to my google photos video

New video by Ryan Garat

As of right now I can't figure out how to reduce the file size to attach the clip on here but I will keep trying.


It is unfortunately very hard to hear. Any clicking noise should be vet checked.

If it is coming from the mouth area, then it is likely related to a dental problem at the back (potential spur on premolar).
Any clicking from the nose is more likely caused by a small obstruction in the nose.
Clicking from the lungs can be a symptom of pneumonia; in thise case, please see a vet as quickly as possible.
If you have a bluetooth speaker or something to connect to you can hear it pretty clear at the 14-16 second mark for sure but she does it threw seperate times. I believe it's a tooth issue by the way she kept picking up and dropping the lettuce. She ate hay and acted very normal all night but we will be seeing our vet today or tomorrow for sure.
So we went to the vet today. After a very thorough full body exam and lengthy (☹️) oral exam nothing was found. Going to keep a close eye on signs of pain while eating, could be her jaw possibly clicking. Also could have been something stuck in her mouth that was dislodged when the vet swabbed her mouth clean for the oral exam. Daisy is still running, jumping, eating and interacting with her roommate Lola just fine so hopefully was just a minor issue that caused me to panic ha. Thanks for the responses guys.
Glad you managed to get her seen. Continue to monitor her and be sure to return to the vet ASAP if the problem persists. Also do you weigh her daily?