Can’t catch my pig.


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 2, 2020
Reaction score
Hi guys; back again :)

As some of you may know we have two skinnies- brothers who after a few teething issues have settled well have gained weight and seem to be be fine living together. However I have noticed my boy Spud has a red foot- It looks sore though he walks/ runs, climbs as usual. I’ve booked vets appointment. This is not why I’m posting here.
The issue is I cannot catch him in any way, which I will need to do if the vet prescribes any topical cream- we used to Weigh him regularly and he’s so wise to all our tricks he just refuses to get into a tube, or pigloo (no good for applying cream anyway) He wriggles, twists and escapes any attempt to catch, he’s also the fastest thing on 4 legs! we have tried towels, wearing gloves, and everything in the guide on here. He’ll get on my lap if I’m the cage with him- food is the lure. But he freaks out if I try to touch his foot (I’ve been trying GG foot balm with no joy, mainly as I can’t get it on him) runs off and hides.
I’m happy to not pick him up usually but we will have to if needs treating. I can just about get him in the pet carrier to get him to the vet.
If anyone has any experience or tips- I swear being a skinny he is more slippery! I’m scared of hurting him.
Many thanks. E, Renton and Spud.
I’ve attached a pic as they are so dear; sorry it’s blurry, they never keep still.
Ps- I should add we still weigh him but one a week not every three days like before. we have to weigh the whole snuggle tunnel. But that’s no good for putting cream on either.
Catching a skinny pig can be very tricky, especially if they know its medical! Tallulah had eyedrops again a couple of weeks ago for bacterial conjunctivitis and that was an absolute to do.
I found a fleecy tunnel the best bet- either sneak up while she's asleep, or take out all the other beds then just put in the fleecy tunnel. Then I lifted out the fleecy tunnel onto the sofa, I sat on the floor so she was at face level, then I folded back the edges of the fleecy tunnel until just the correct piggy bit was visible then held her like that, through the tunnel.
After 5 days she was getting wise to that so... cruel piggy mummy that I am, I opened the window so there was a sudden cold draft and she shot into the tunnel! After that of course I shut the window and switched the heating on full so she was only cold for like 5 minutes, I felt very mean afterwards but sore bits need treating dont they and skinny pigs are really very fast and slippery!
Oh bless her- poor wee things but yes they need treating sometimes!
they are are nightmare to catch! So slippery and wriggly and incredibly fast! We have made great progress with trust and touching them and I’m keen not to undo all the work. We actually have some customised piggy sleeping bag /tubes (nothing but the best eh) coming soon so maybe that might help to herd them and into. 🧐 I think the lack of fur makes them hypersensitive. Blinking heck I love them so much 🥲🥲!