Adult Guinea Pig
I took the guinea pigs to the vet to have her nails cut today and while I was there I got Trixie checked out because she wouldn't let me look at her face so I thought there was something wrong and there is
She has chewed the houses of hay so much that the inside of her mouth is bright red high Joes or three times the size they should be she's also managed to hurt her shoulders and the back of her neck now there are two reasons why this could've happened either she has let another guinea pig Scotia because she's been sleeping underneath and or and this is the theory that I'm going to go with another guinea pig has tried to stop her from chewing my biting her and because she hasn't stopped they have kept going
The vet has given her a 24 hour slow release injection of mettacam to bring the swelling down sorry if I spelt that wrong
I am going to take her back next Tuesday to get her checked over to see if the swelling has gone down if it hasn't then they're going to give her a longer release injection
I think what I will do on Tuesday is get them to take some blood and do a hormone level check to see if there is an imbalance in her brain because I think there might be
It's always best to rule it out anyway
I can't believe she has done this to herself
Silly girl
Worrying me like this
The gnawing is constant as soon as she gets up she starts
That's how I know she's awake
She is so loud she actually wakes me up at night and I am on a lot of medication to knock me out and it gets through and wakes me up sometimes which says something
It's driving me and the other guinea pigs to complete distraction
Any ideas as to how I can get her out of this habit or will I have a guinea pig that is just going to drive me and my other guinea pigs nuts for eternity
Thanks for reading
She has chewed the houses of hay so much that the inside of her mouth is bright red high Joes or three times the size they should be she's also managed to hurt her shoulders and the back of her neck now there are two reasons why this could've happened either she has let another guinea pig Scotia because she's been sleeping underneath and or and this is the theory that I'm going to go with another guinea pig has tried to stop her from chewing my biting her and because she hasn't stopped they have kept going
The vet has given her a 24 hour slow release injection of mettacam to bring the swelling down sorry if I spelt that wrong
I am going to take her back next Tuesday to get her checked over to see if the swelling has gone down if it hasn't then they're going to give her a longer release injection
I think what I will do on Tuesday is get them to take some blood and do a hormone level check to see if there is an imbalance in her brain because I think there might be
It's always best to rule it out anyway
I can't believe she has done this to herself
Silly girl
Worrying me like this
The gnawing is constant as soon as she gets up she starts
That's how I know she's awake
She is so loud she actually wakes me up at night and I am on a lot of medication to knock me out and it gets through and wakes me up sometimes which says something
It's driving me and the other guinea pigs to complete distraction
Any ideas as to how I can get her out of this habit or will I have a guinea pig that is just going to drive me and my other guinea pigs nuts for eternity
Thanks for reading