I'm getting rather concerned over a certain piggy of ours.
a few weeks back i posted about a sow who aborted three babies (didnt even realise she was pregnant) and on route to the vets she ate nearly a whole baby (vet said it was to 'save' the baby from preditors, although baby was already dead)
well shes done it again, shes ate another piggy. this time it was a 4 week old that was sharing the run with her, mum1 and one of her 6 week old babys.
little bubs was the survivor of 3, there mother had died from a respitory infection, that also killed the other two siblings. Little bubs had been getting on really well (i originally thought she was a he, but i was wrong, so she got to stay with aunty piggy
i did my rounds yesterday, cleaning, feeding, watering, grooming, all was well.
at veggy time in the afternoon there wasnt much left of little bubs and the mother who aborted her babies was happily chewing on the remains.
not only do i feel queasy still over it, I'm worried about how little bubs died, when just 3 hours before she was fit as a fiddle? did the older piggy kill her? i didnt think piggys ate meat, let alone each other? I'm guessing its far from normal before and should i be thinking of splitting this piggy away from the smaller ones?
a few weeks back i posted about a sow who aborted three babies (didnt even realise she was pregnant) and on route to the vets she ate nearly a whole baby (vet said it was to 'save' the baby from preditors, although baby was already dead)
well shes done it again, shes ate another piggy. this time it was a 4 week old that was sharing the run with her, mum1 and one of her 6 week old babys.
little bubs was the survivor of 3, there mother had died from a respitory infection, that also killed the other two siblings. Little bubs had been getting on really well (i originally thought she was a he, but i was wrong, so she got to stay with aunty piggy
i did my rounds yesterday, cleaning, feeding, watering, grooming, all was well.
at veggy time in the afternoon there wasnt much left of little bubs and the mother who aborted her babies was happily chewing on the remains.
not only do i feel queasy still over it, I'm worried about how little bubs died, when just 3 hours before she was fit as a fiddle? did the older piggy kill her? i didnt think piggys ate meat, let alone each other? I'm guessing its far from normal before and should i be thinking of splitting this piggy away from the smaller ones?