Cannibalism ?

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Angela Collins

New Born Pup
Oct 25, 2014
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Horrible subject I know but need advice , I have two female guineas and have but found one dead and its been eaten at around the eye and ear area. Would its companion have done that ? The cage bars are to narrow I assume for a Rat
Hi! It is very rare and usually only connected with extreme situations. Guinea pigs lick and nibble around the eye and ear to show their affection. It looks like your poor survivor was very upset and desperate to wake up its friend again. :(

I am sorry; it is very upsetting for you on top of your loss.

Here are our tips on what you can do for the bereaved companion:

You are also welcome to post a tribute to the piggy you have lost in our Rainbow Bridge section.
So sorry for your loss, that is very distressing to find, i agree with Wiebke as to what the explanation is. Please make sure your remaining piggy has lots of extra attention for a while and make sure they are eating. Welcome to the forum sorry it is in such sad circumstances.
Oh my! That's so shocking!

I'm so sorry for you loss, especially in that way!

I hope you and the remaining piggie will be okay!xx
Hi! It is very rare and usually only connected with extreme situations. Guinea pigs lick and nibble around the eye and ear to show their affection. It looks like your poor survivor was very upset and desperate to wake up its friend again. :(

I am sorry; it is very upsetting for you on top of your loss.

Here are our tips on what you can do for the bereaved companion:

You are also welcome to post a tribute to the piggy you have lost in our Rainbow Bridge section.
Thanks for your response, I don't think it was affection. I am talking eaten not nibbled you can see the cheekbone :-(. It was either the companion or a rat.
Are your piggies indoors or outdoors? If the remaining one is outdoors I would bring it in if you can incase it was a rat and it comes back.

Sending you big hugs.
Popcorn free little one x
I am sorry that this has been so distressing for you!

Guinea pigs can eat in exceptional circumstances. It happens usually with newborn when a mother feels so threatened that she doesn't see a chance to bring up her babies or is able to get some distance between a dead baby and a prowling predator.

Please bring your survivor indoors where it will feel safe from any rats and other predators. Guinea pigs can die from fright; it may have been a combination of circumstances that could have caused it. All we can do is speculate. But however you look at it, it has been as distressing for your piggy as it is for you. :(
Never underestimate what a rat can get through, their sculls cross over. I have had piggies nibble a rabbits ear after it passed away. It did make a mess of the ear, but I assumes they we're trying to wake him up.
I recently had one of my female's pass away during the night while I was asleep and woke up to her eyes fully eaten, and I know no rats or other critters are in our home! Was a bit disheartening, both her passing and then seeing that, I must admit!
This is horrible! Who would have thought that our darling sweet little piggies could be capable of doing something like that? In all my 15 years of piggie-keeping and all the dozens of books I've read, I've never heard of anything like that.
This is horrible! Who would have thought that our darling sweet little piggies could be capable of doing something like that? In all my 15 years of piggie-keeping and all the dozens of books I've read, I've never heard of anything like that.

It is very rare and it only happens in extreme circumstances.
I had to click this link out of curiosity.

A friend told me a while ago of her guinea pig doing this to her other guinea pig and thats why she refuses to own them again. I didn't believe her but now I do. Wow.
Yes this is horrible, hope I don't ever see it, its bad enough to find your piggy dead let alone bits eaten aswell :(
How distressing. I am so so sorry!
Oh dear!
Like its not bad enough finding your piggy had died. I don't think I would handle that @ all x
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