Can You Rebond A Boar Trio?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 23, 2013
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
I feel I know what the answer will be but is there any chance of my boar trio getting on again? Rory and Davros had a punch up and drew blood last Tuesday and have been split up ever since. Alfie is living with Rory and they get on fine, I have also never seen any problems between Alfie and Davros. Is there any thing I can do or any hope of them ever living together again? I do not want to stress them nor risk another punch up.

Otherwise it is trying to boar date for Davros.

I'm sorry I wouldn't risk it. The general rule is once a pig has drawn blood there isn't much hope they will go together again.
A boar trio is unstable at the best of times, let alone after a proper fight.
I would definitely go down the boar dating route, better safe than sorry.
Honestly i wouldnt. I tried Pumpkin, Jack and Boo together again at the weekend in neutral territory and they had a big fight again and worst of all it seemed to really upset the relationship between boo and pumpkin again, they were squabbling in a minor way for a few hours after :(

Perhaps Jack and your lone boar would like each other? Its sad seeing them on their own isnt it.
Dont worry I haven't tried. I may try removing the plastic on the bars between them so they can see each other, Davros got so excited he was chewing the bars which worried me so I will try clear plastic instead.

Yes it is sad, I'm looking for a friend but all the rescues locally seem to have pairs. Also I wondered whether to wait till his a little older and his hormones have settled. He's 7 months now. Any thoughts?
Its always worth ringing rescues not just checking out the website as single piggies arnt always advertised. A good rescue will do boar dating where your boy can go and meet and greet potential friends, to ensure you come home with a good match. you can find all our recomended rescues on the map via our rescue locator at the top of the page :)
I agree - don't just look at their website; ring them up! There are usually more piggies floating around or in the pipeline! Most rescues offer a dating service of some sort. ;)
Jack is the same - chewing the bars frantically to get to Pumpkin and Boo so I had to put him in another room where he cant see or hear them - which is very sad and I feel awful for.

Dashiman - please let me know if you find a rescue in Bedfordshire that has suitable boars for bonding - I travel to Bedford a lot between March/November and I do need to find him a friend. It would need to be a really placid, really calm and subserviant piggy to put up with Jack though.

I have been advised to wait for Jack to calm down till he is 12 months old to find a friend, hes about 7 months now - and if he would have lived side by side to Pumpkin and Boo I would have done that - but he is so unhappy that I dont think its possible.

I'm not at all sure that I want to consider neutering him for him to live with a sow though. Hes still so very tiny.
I'm going to try with clear plastic so they see each other and have given Davros a teddy for company.

When I'm sure he's seattled and I have time to monitor a bonding I will phone the rescues. I just don't want to bond too quickly and upset him as he is eating and running about on his own I feel he could cope a little longer.
We would all recommend dating for Davros, but if he and Alfie get on OK, you could always try floor time with the two of them every so often. It gives Davros some company so he won't be alone :) x
Basically I have to go away to college next month for a week and don't want to phone rescue get a friend lined up and have to make them wait until after I'm back. Don't worry the boys will be well looked after by my husband, but it's unfair to leave the bonding to him.
If you go to a rescue that offers that option, they will often offer dating for you. I know Suzy at Glynneath offered residential dating, where they have to spend a few days together to make sure that they are a confident pairing before they'll come home. The rescue will always make sure that the bond is secure, you should never have to bond at home :) x
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