can you litter-train guinea pigs?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 12, 2009
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When I lived back home there was an old guy over the road who had a guinea pig. I think it was male, very very tame and really lovely.

I remember being really amazed when he showed me its hutch, because it had a mini litter tray (like a kitty one) and used it to go to the toilet!

Does anyone have any idea how on earth he taught his guinea pig to use a litter tray?!

I've heard this is common with hamsters weeing, because they always wee in the same spot in their cage, generally as far away from their bed as possible (although i have to say, my little Suze things nothing of pooing in her bed), so its fairly easy to train them to go in a jar or hammy potty. but the G pigs seem to do it fairly randomly, its all over the place!

I am well and truly baffled!

Any suggestions?!
If you put hay by the litter tray, so they can sit on the try and eat hay, you might have a better chance.

Some guinea pigs are very god, and others quite scatty...
i put a big bunch of hay in one corner so thats where they normall do their doos :)
i have only had Zanzi and Baker 5 days and on day one started moving there poo's to one corner to trial it and it works quite well,they are now doing 80% of there business in one area,now just have to buy a litter tray,i would definantly say its worth a try x
i have only had zanzi and baker 5 days and on day one started moving there poo's to one corner to trial it and it works quite well,they are now doing 80% of there business in one area,now just have to buy a litter tray,i would definantly say its worth a try x

definatly! :)
My two new girls are very tidy - no accidents where they sleep, but Llewelyn has never got the hang of it...
we try and litter train all the guinea pigs that come here,some take to it quite well while others dont bother.Give it a go and you might be surprised.

My piggies have favoured corners in their cage but generally just go where they want. When they are out for exercise time in their room, they only piddle on towels that I put down. Just as well as Ive got a cream carpet in my hall! I used to cover it up when they were out but as they only piddle on the towels I dont bother any more. Persevere as it is possible.
My older piggy, Cookie, will actually pull at my sleeve when she wants to go back in her cage to use her potty corner. The first few times she did it, I had no idea what she wanted, and she just kept getting more and more frantic about it. Finally, I watched her when I put her back and she ran right to the corner and "squatted". Now I know when she tugs at me, I need to get her to her spot or she'll eventually have an accident. :red

This only works for piddling, though. The poops end up in every inch of the floor, my lap and the cage.

I wish she would have a talk w/ Penny and let her in on the secret sleeve pulling trick. I wasn't used to having to deal w/ warm puddles and the first time Penny tinkled on me, I practically tinkled myself. :x
I have 2 boys aged 5 months and from day one moved there poops to the litter tray (a kitty one) I put organic wood chips in the bottom and a thin layer of hay on the top...

I also hang the hay basket on the cage so they are sitting in the tray when they want to get to the hay..

one of my boys Reilly always does his wee wee's in there but the other, Nummies well he occasionally has an accident:x.. they do 50% of there poos in here as well but will also do them along the sides mallethead

I think it helps if you have a c&c type cage cos then you can fit a big litter/hay tray in there. when I had just the Nero 4 they didn't really get the hang of it.. then again they were babies then awwwwx)

Reilly is also very good at letting me know when he needs the loo and very rarely has an accident at cuddle time.. but again Nummies well .. he will climb all the way accross me and onto my OH to go widdle on daddy ! LOL :p
Hi there,

My two girlies, Tess and Suzie seem to go anywhere and everywhere in the cage.

When I have cuddle time with Suze, I know she wants to go wee wees when she starts chattering - and sure enough, within seconds of putting her back into the cage, she positions her rear end into a corner and - hey presto. I even count her down now - 3, 2 1, weeeeeeee.

I looked after 2 guineas for a friend back in 2001 - 2 lovely girls called Sugar and Spice, long since passed over the Rainbow Bridge. My OH and I were holding them both on our laps getting to know them when they started chuntering away to each other ...
"Oh, isn't that lovely, they are talking to each other, aaaah" was the rough gist of our conversations ...
Not quite ... we soon found out what it really meant - 2 very wet laps later.

Lynda x
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