Can They Have 'down Days?'

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hello, this is most likely another thread of me worrying for nothing.

But I've noticed Amber being a little 'off' or 'down' today. She still wheeked for her veggies this morning, eating and drinking perfectly fine. It's just that she's normally wondering around the cage always on the look out. But today all she's done is snooze in her hidey. She let Mabel share it with her this morning, but now she's decided Mabel has had enough of her share for the morning. :))

Maybe its because I don't usually have them indoors and don't get to see this, but can they have lazy days? She let me pick her up without too much of a fuss too. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing. But her lazy behavior today just seems a little out of character.
I wouldn't worry unless she is losing weight and is sluggish about eating and drinking. Piggies can have their lazy days like humans! ;)

If you are worried, weigh her daily at the same time in the feeding cycle, as the difference between a full/empty tummy and bladder can be as much as 30g.
Thank you. I thought so, but just don't get to see their lazy behaviour when they're outdoors.
This is one reason why C and C cages are such a brilliant idea. They allow your piggies to exhibit natural behaviour in a safe, warm environment where you can watch them without disturbing them. This means that you can really get to know all your piggies' different habits and traits. Then you can pick up on something unusual very quickly before it is too late.
This is one reason why C and C cages are such a brilliant idea. They allow your piggies to exhibit natural behaviour in a safe, warm environment where you can watch them without disturbing them. This means that you can really get to know all your piggies' different habits and traits. Then you can pick up on something unusual very quickly before it is too late.

I've absolutely loved having them indoors. I feel I have got to know their own personal traits. I know Amber is usually active and her lazy behaviour seemed odd. I'm changing all of their bedding tonight, new towels and fleece ect, so I'll keep an eye on her during floor time. She's usually queen of the zoomies.
Since you don't normally see their daily behavior if they are normally outside, you may just be seeing her normal routine. My pigs are active in the morning, laze around all afternoon, and then are active again in the evening. If I didn't work from home and spend a lot of time seeing them snoozing all afternoon on a regular basis, I would think it was abnormal behavior when I was home on the weekends. I would say as long as her appetite is good, her weight is steady, and she still behaves normally in her active periods, you are probably just seeing laid back behavior that you previously didn't have the opportunity to see. Of course, if she isn't eating, is losing weight, and is never active, I would get her checked out as it could be a sign of illness under those circumstances.
I think my older piggies have their old crotchety days :) I don't think they were handled enough at their past home, so they hide in their hut whenever I bring in the veggies but they wheek like crazy from inside! Some days they aren't as active but they're still eating and pooping all over! I don't notice down days in my younger pigs- they're usually pretty much the same all the time!
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