Can Piggys Go On Fresh Turf?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2015
Reaction score
Suffolk, England.
Hi all,

Are Piggys okay to go on freshly laid turf? They are used to being on grass already so in thinking it shouldn't be a problem?
I made fudges garden out of turf cut to size and fenced it off.. All 4 of mine where on it every day in the nice weather and no one had any upset tummies or anything. Just make sure it hasnt been treated by anything before hand- mine wasnt so i knew it was safe. The only problem mines has had is it hasnt took very well and has lots of dead patches now.. Going to rip it up, place fresh organic soil and lay down a fresh piece. I cant "feed" it in a way that is safe for piggies so having to relay another roll!
As above, as long as it hasn't been treated with any nasties, the pigs will be fine straight away, however, if you're planning for the turf to be permanent, the turf will survive better if you leave it alone (but watering it if it doesn't rain) to grow it's roots. The rec time I think is six weeks (?) before walking on it. That way it can regrow the eaten bits and cope with humans walking on it to get pigs in and out.
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