Can Piggies Have Epilepsy

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 16, 2016
Reaction score
High Wycombe, Bucks
I know strange question but I have never had 2 pigs who had such crazy fits . They throw their heads about and really look like they are having fits should I be worried ?
I will try to get a video of them doing it .
Perhaps they're just really happy. I had a pig who would sometimes popcorn so much he fell over, particularly if he was put out in the run for the first time of the year. I really miss him - such a character!
Pigs can have seizure disorders, but it is highly unlikely that 2 living together would have this problem.
It's more likely they are just very happy :D
We have one who falls over twitching occasionally during a super mad pop corning fit.
I know strange question but I have never had 2 pigs who had such crazy fits . They throw their heads about and really look like they are having fits should I be worried ?
I will try to get a video of them doing it .

Have you got two young piggies? Then they are likely just popcorning with joy! ;)

Guinea pigs can get epilepsy, but it is fairly rare and you are most unlikely to see both of your piggies having epileptic fits at the same time.
Yes they are young , I was just worried watching the head throwing . They are very amusing watching them have their crazy moments but I was just worried .
Thanks for the reassurance :)
I'm sure they can (I had a pet mouse with a seizure disorder when I was a child, believe it or not!) However, what looks like 'fits' in guinea pigs is often what is called 'popcorning' and is a sign of excitement/happiness. You're unlikely to have both having a seizure at the same time, but 'popcorning' is often contagious, since one excited guinea pig excites the other ones. Babies are most prone to this, most pigs settle down as they get older.
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