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Can I use Tinactin antifungal cream on my Guinea pig's ears and feet?


New Born Pup
Apr 25, 2021
Reaction score
Vancover, Washington
One of my Guinea pigs has a fungle infection on her ears and feet. Unfortunately, I misplaced her cream and can't find it. I have this athlete's foot antifungal cream, with the brand name, Tinactin. Is this product safe to use on my piggie, or will it cause medical problems?
One of my Guinea pigs has a fungle infection on her ears and feet. Unfortunately, I misplaced her cream and can't find it. I have this athlete's foot antifungal cream, with the brand name, Tinactin. Is this product safe to use on my piggie, or will it cause medical problems?


Can you please post a picture? Have you been prescribed the cream or are you treating on spec?