Can I Use Cat Litter In Their Hay Tray?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
i have noticed that 'The Floofs' do a lot of peeing and pooing in their hay tray. I have it lined with newspaper at the moment but was thinking of using something more absorbent. Is cat litter an option or is there a reason that it isn't suitable?

I know people use Carefresh/ Fitch/Megazorb, etc but cat litter is readily available locally without ordering online. Thank you!
Yes they are. There has been a lot of bickering during the week- rumble strutting and general sorting out who is boss behaviour. They had a pigloo and one was sleeping in the pigloo and one in the corner begind the pigloo. I removed the pigloo yesterday after reading that hideys with two exits are better in case of bullying, and made a fleece tent in the corner. They love the tent and have been snuggled in it together for sleeping today. They seem much happier with each other today and are making lots of happy noises. They are such fun to watch. They are currently eating. Fitz munching veg and Adric in the hay tray.
My favourite base for hay trays is Aubiose - it very reasonably priced if you can find a stockist locally. Some pet shops will get it in for you - and it is often available from equine suppliers.
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