Can I introduce 2 baby boars to an older boar? Advice needed........

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Mar 1, 2008
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Hi everyone

You may have seen in my other posts that my guinea pig Tweak has recently lost his cage mate. We went on the hunt for a baby boar to itroduce him 2 and eventually ended up with two. At the moment, Tweak is in the hutch and the 2 brothers are in the run. We have shut the hutch door so they are seperated but they can still smell each other!

The 2 babies are brothers and one of them keeps 'mounting' the other and it was getting quite nasty. After a restless nights sleep, they seem to have settled down a bit today.

Tweak is being very vocal - Should I take this as a good sign? We have been cuddling him a lot as we dont want him to feel jealous and unloved.

We are going to try and introduce them on neutral territory this afternoon when they aren't so lively. Any advice would be welcomed as we are really eager for this to work! :)
Well you have the right idea-neutral territory, as large an area as possible with hidey areas etc.. However, introducing 3 boars is trickier than 2 and the chances of it working out are less. All I can do is wish you good luck with it! Be calm as if you are anxious they can sense it.
do you think it may be worth bathing them all to get rid of their scent?
Bathing them all first together would be a good option O0 then letting them play in a large enclosure/run :)
This can be done but I wouldnt personally bath babies just yet, it will just stress them out :-\ You could rub some of the older boars bedding on them so they smell like him :)
Good news - introduced them for the first time today and it went a lot better than I expected. They were together for 30 mins in total. There was some teeth chattering from Tweak, but all in all he was very well behaved :) There was a lot of bum sniffing and licking, but I guess this is normal? We will try them together tomorrow.
welcome from us in oz, hoping things continue to go well with the introductions, it may get harder when the babies reach adolecence(sp) as that is where their hormones are pumping the most. sending you hugs and cuddles and hoping it continues to go well. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
Thanks. They have been together since Sat afternoon now and so far (touch wood) no major incidents! I know what you mean about the hormones, I'm just hoping that they learn to love each other so it doesnt turn nasty! :D
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