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Can I get a new friend for my sad guinea pig with eye infection?


New Born Pup
Aug 27, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all!
Since 2.5 week I'm the owner of a sweet 1 year old guinea pig. I adopted her together with a neutered boar from the rescue Unfortunately, within one week she got sick. She had and still has an eye infection. The boar got sick later and got a lung infection, which he sadly passed away from this week. I brought my piggies to the vet three times and she thinks it was a bacterial infection they caught from the rescue center. Her eyes are luckily getting better each day: the crusts have fallen of, but it's still red and needs treatment with antibiotic cream for some weeks. Since her friend passed away I noticed her behaviour changed. She seems so much more stressed (to the point of not being able to keep her on my lap) and she is squeeking a lot. She had a stressful time being adopted from the rescue center, getting sick and losing her friend, so it makes sense that she acts stressed and a little depressed. She would always sit beside him and talked to him a lot! So not having a friend really makes here more sad I think :( I was wondering if I could get another piggy friend for her but put him/her in a different cage? So they can chat and get used to each others noises and my guinea pig feels less lonely and I can physically introduce them when her eye is fully healed. Or would it be to risky for the other piggy since her eyes are still not healed fully now? I'm going to the vet next week so ofcourse I will ask her advise about this as well, but I would just like to know if someone has experience with this and what they did in a situation like this. Just hurts to see her sad :(
Hello and welcome. I’m sorry you lost your boar so soon after getting them.

Sometimes you have to forego the risk of transmitting anything if your current piggy is really lonely. If the companion is less than four months old, you would need to bond them straight away. If over four months, and depending where they come from, you could need to quarantine the new piggy (preferably in a different room) foot two weeks.

I don’t know the likelihood but if you could take her dating, that would be the ideal way to find her a friend. However, if you think it’s a bit more desperate then you can consider other avenues.

I hope her eye is better soon.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope she’s soon on the mend.
It's worth speaking to your vet about. It may be that the infection is past the point of being contagious and you're just waiting for the skin to heal in which case there would be no risk to a companion. Only your vet will be able to advise you on this.
Welcome to the forum.
So sorry for the loss of your boar.
I hope the infection clears up soon and that you find a lovely new companion for your girl.

Your piggies are very lucky, they sound as if they have / will have landed on their paws with such a caring owner