New Born Pup
Hi to keep long story short I have a guinea pig who was discovered to have a hairline fracture. She had dropped weight but put it back on again and drools a lot (to save me explaining again full story here https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/any-ideas-not-sure-whats-wrong-and-I'm-worried.202115/#post-2791462
However she still eats fine and is her usual self otherwise. Isnt off her food and has started putting weight back on very gradually (without the critical care). However My vet had suggested feeding her some critical care as it is softer and more like a soup. She hates being syringe fed but will eat it if offered on a bowl. She will eat it gradually through the day. But of course I also have my 2nd guinea pig in there who is chubby as it is and does not require critical care feed. She also will eat some of it. In fact she loves it and sometimes I wondered if she’s the one eating most of it. I just wondered it doesn’t do any harm for them both to be eating it does it? Or should I start separating them somehow… it’s difficult because Pip who has the sore jaw won’t eat it if offered outside of her cage, she likes to eat it gradually over the day.
However she still eats fine and is her usual self otherwise. Isnt off her food and has started putting weight back on very gradually (without the critical care). However My vet had suggested feeding her some critical care as it is softer and more like a soup. She hates being syringe fed but will eat it if offered on a bowl. She will eat it gradually through the day. But of course I also have my 2nd guinea pig in there who is chubby as it is and does not require critical care feed. She also will eat some of it. In fact she loves it and sometimes I wondered if she’s the one eating most of it. I just wondered it doesn’t do any harm for them both to be eating it does it? Or should I start separating them somehow… it’s difficult because Pip who has the sore jaw won’t eat it if offered outside of her cage, she likes to eat it gradually over the day.