Can guinea pigs tell when you're upset?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 19, 2009
Reaction score
North East England
Since I've been upset my guineas have been very quiet and some of them have even just been sitting at the bars quietly watching me, so I was just wondering if guineas were like cats and dogs and could sense these things

thanks x
Yes Kira hun, they can sense your upset.
Why not give them a big cuddle each and then they will know your ok
Yes! which is one thing that makes them so endearing - they are not just squeaky little furballs, but so much more!

Sending you five big piggy hugs from Coventry!

PM me if it helps.

I'm cuddling Inara and she keeps nibbling on my ear - not hard just this little affectionate nibble. She's never done it before :)
I'm cuddling Inara and she keeps nibbling on my ear - not hard just this little affectionate nibble. She's never done it before :)

She is cuddling you piggy style! If she were a human, she'd hug you!
Aww bless her heart.
She is telling you everything is going to be ok and she loves you x
I think they can sense sadness. My piggies seem more sedate and serene almost when I am upset. Matilda usually runs whenever I try to pat her, but when Ive been sad, its as though she senses this and just stand still and lets me pat her. A piggy cuddle or two is just what you need. Its amazing how petting an animal can soothe and relax you...
well since i've always been happy around gilbert, i dont know. but i honestly dont think he would care...he would just be his own greedy self and make me go get him food:)):))
I think they can.
My boys seem to be more cuddly when I'm upset. Especially Arnold and he won't sit still for anyone.

They can just sense when something isn't right.

Sounds like you've gotten the piggy therapy you need.
Piggy cuddles make everything better.
They may be small but they have powers! :)
I agree, I do think they can sense it. Animals are more sensitive to energies than most humans are, and when you're upset you are enveloped with a different energy to usual. Piggies, like many other animals, often do seem to act differently depending on whether you're in an energetic and happy mood or feeling sad.

Big *hugs* to you. x
Yes piggies can tell if you are happy or sad, and they will always love you and never judge you, Furby who gives lots of piggy kisses has been known to kiss my tears and sit quietly with me when i am upset, but if i am fine she runs all over me like a loony occasionally stopping to push her bum in my face!
Yes I think they can sense it. When I am sad and upset, Pip goes very quiet around me. Sending kisses to you Kira xoxo
I think all our animals know when something is wrong. I'm not sure if they understand we are upset but I'm sure they can pick up that something is wrong and that you aren't your normal self. I lost one of my cats to renal failure recently and I noticed that all the other animals seemed more attentive and cuddly, especially the other cats.

I'm glad you have the piggys to help you through a rough time.
Without a doubt they do,

Sparky always becomes more restless when I am poorly, he's more anxious and attention seeking going as far as waking through the night its as though he's checking up on me, he also competes with the noise of my nebuliser and last year when I had a major op on my right shoulder although he loves to sit on my shoulder he always avoided my right, all three of mine can tell if I am upset or something.

Sending you lots of hugs
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