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Can guinea pigs lose their squeaks?


New Born Pup
Jun 20, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, this is my first time posting on forum, I’m wanting to attach a video of my issue below but am unsure how to. I have attached the link to my Facebook post so I hope that works. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=915710252125833&story_fbid=2184990641864448

Has anyone had a Guinea pig who wheeks but nothing comes out?

My wee Bonnie is a loud squeaker and she was wheeking 2 days ago fine but now she sounds kind of hoarse, nothing is coming out when she’s squeaking.

Everything is completely normal with her so it’s definitely not a URI. I put in fresh Timothy hay could that be the culprit and it’s too dusty?

She’s on fleece not wood shavings/pine. She gets fresh hay, food, water and veggies everyday.

This is completely out the blue. I’ve asked on Facebook and some people have said they have had older piggies who lost their squeak. She’s only 3 so I wouldn’t consider her that old.

Could it be that she has a sore throat?

I’ve just spent over £1000 on my boar for surgery and he sadly didn’t make it so I can’t afford to take her to the vets for another week or so. I’ve had a listen to her chest with the stethoscope and it sounds clear, all her behaviour is exactly the same bar the quiet squeaking.
Hello, this is my first time posting on forum, I’m wanting to attach a video of my issue below but am unsure how to. I have attached the link to my Facebook post so I hope that works. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?id=915710252125833&story_fbid=2184990641864448

Has anyone had a Guinea pig who wheeks but nothing comes out?

My wee Bonnie is a loud squeaker and she was wheeking 2 days ago fine but now she sounds kind of hoarse, nothing is coming out when she’s squeaking.

Everything is completely normal with her so it’s definitely not a URI. I put in fresh Timothy hay could that be the culprit and it’s too dusty?

She’s on fleece not wood shavings/pine. She gets fresh hay, food, water and veggies everyday.

This is completely out the blue. I’ve asked on Facebook and some people have said they have had older piggies who lost their squeak. She’s only 3 so I wouldn’t consider her that old.

Could it be that she has a sore throat?

I’ve just spent over £1000 on my boar for surgery and he sadly didn’t make it so I can’t afford to take her to the vets for another week or so. I’ve had a listen to her chest with the stethoscope and it sounds clear, all her behaviour is exactly the same bar the quiet squeaking.

Hi and welcome

Guinea pigs can lose their Big Squeak. It usually doesn't come back but they can live an otherwise perfectly normal and long life. It is not an illness.
Hi and welcome

Guinea pigs can lose their Big Squeak. It usually doesn't come back but they can live an otherwise perfectly normal and long life. It is not an illness.
Thank you for replying, were you able to access the video to listen to her? She’s still acting perfectly normal but it’s so sad to not hear her squeak for her veggies :(


Loss of the big wheek always happens out of the blue. Your girl sounds perfectly normal to me for a piggy that has lost it, even though it may take you a little while to get used to it (and her, too).
It is possible that in your case, stress could have been an added factor - loss of the big wheek is not something that happens often and regularly enough for any significant research nor has anybody ever attempted to. We can only go by our experience. ;)

I have had at least one piggy of my own who lost their big squeak at around that age and we have seen the odd even younger piggy it has happened to on here over the years. It is more common in piggies piggies of 4-5 years but not exclusively so.

But I am very sorry for your very recent loss and appreciate that you are feeling very jittery right now. That is perfectly normal; we all experience it to some degree or other. Sadly, only time can heal that; it is our own very old human species instincts that need time to settle down again. But you are definitely not looking at any further vet trips and cost right now.

If you feel overwhelmed by your loss and are struggling, you my find this link helpful for yourself: Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children

The Blue Cross UK offer free pet bereavement platforms if you feel that talking will help you to work that unexpected extra kink out of your system: Pet bereavement and pet loss
Welcome to the forum.
So sorry that you lost your boar.

I don’t know why piggies lose their squeak but Merab did.
She just whispered when she tried to wheek.
There was nothing wrong with her, she just couldn’t wheek.
Thank you so much everyone for your replies. It’s so sad to not see her squeak but she’s still completely normal and still very happy. She did try and squeak and a little noise came out but I think she knows herself she can’t do her big usual squeak :(. We’re giving her lots of attention and cuddles