Can Guinea Pigs Get Fleas?

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New Born Pup
Jun 14, 2014
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Sorry to ask this but I cant seem to find out for sure online, found a flea on my dog 0_0 and treated him but am worried as when my Piggies joined our home last week I was sure I saw flea dirts on my white guinea. prob being paranoid, do they need treating to? dont seem to be scratching just wanted to make sure. thank you x
Not sure if guinea pigs can get the fleas that dogs get. However they can get lice & mites specific to them. And what one uses for a dog may not be safe or suitable for a piggy. I suggest a vet visit to determine what it actually is. You could also post photos of the piggy with dirt on it as many members on here have had experience dealing with piggy parasites & might be able to help.
If you live in the states I know they give revolution for kittens/puppies to guineas for mange. Would work for preventative for fleas as its a flea med, but don't know how safe it would be for long term use.
I am only new to guinea pigs and read everything I couold on them for a month, and watched oooldes of videos and was shocked to read that they can get fleas in Australia. Poor things. Makes sense though as fleas love biting us too, so a guinea pig would still be seen as a meal I guess. Byeee
Hi! Please have your piggies checked by a vet if they do not come from a place where they have undergone mandatory quarantine and have been rehomed only after having been given a clean bill of health (i.e. from a good standard rescue).

The dirt can be just that, it can be skin flakes from mites or fungal or static lice/fur mites. Please do not treat on spec with a low dosed shop product that is only geared toward prevention but NOT the treatment of parasitic problems, as you could make things worse!

There is no species specific fly for guinea pigs that specialises on them as hosts. They can catch fleas from other animals short term, but those will starve on a piggy.

Guinea pigs living outdoors and/or in filthy conditions can get blow fly strike if they are not cleaned out and checked regularly.

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Not sure tbh I am actually wondering this too! I'm hoping not but the good thing is that my boyfriend's family vet has actually said fleas can't live on human beings they can bite us but they don't stay on us. So I am hoping this the same for guineas!
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