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Can guinea pigs eat banana skin?


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 31, 2020
Reaction score
wellington, new zealand
I was wondering - can piggies eat banana skin. I looked it up on the internet and it said yes, but I just wanted to know if it causes any long term problems.
I was wondering - can piggies eat banana skin. I looked it up on the internet and it said yes, but I just wanted to know if it causes any long term problems.
I am not sure on this one so I can’t say. Maybe wait until someone on here knows. I have never fed my girls that, but I have never fed them fruit anyway. The only things my girls eat are hay, nuggets, veg (mainly green) and if they get a treat it is either a bit of carrot or pea flake. They get forage one a week
I feed my piggies banana skin, as an occasional treat, they prefer it to the fruit. Make sure you wash it before you feed it to them.
Thank you guys so much! I'm going to try them on a little bit and see how it goes. Also, does anyone else know if you can get pea flake in NZ?
Thank you guys so much! I'm going to try them on a little bit and see how it goes. Also, does anyone else know if you can get pea flake in NZ?
I’m not sure. Maybe check amazon? That is where I get mine from
My herds(37) get one whole banana that includes the skin chopped up and also an whole orange again chopped up once a week in with their vegs
Mine get it very occasionally, probably about a square inch in size per pig. It turns brown and mushy really quickly so I remove it if they’ve not eaten all of it within 2 hours or so
I was wondering - can piggies eat banana skin. I looked it up on the internet and it said yes, but I just wanted to know if it causes any long term problems.

Yes, they can; it contains exactly the same nutrients as the inners and is often better liked. Please opt for organic bananas and keep in mind that any fruit and tomato should be only fed a little very occasionally as a special treat.
Sorry if this is false but I thought citrus was unsafe for piggies?

I have always given to my piggies, the amount per piggie is small as it is shared between the 37 piggies and only once a week,l have kept piggies for 50 odd years. And would not play with their life's by giving them something unsafe.