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COVID-19 Can guinea pigs catch COVID-19?

I’ve got Covid at the moment and my piggies are fine. To help prevent the spread of the virus within the family I’m only allowed out of my room wearing a mask and gloves, so that’s how I’ve been looking after the piggies, but I don’t think that is actually necessary to protect the piggies. Your piggies will be fine.
I read online that in Hong Kong some hamsters from a pet shop had tested positive for Covi and they were culling all hamsters in Hong Kong! ☹️ Regardless
I sadly tested positive for COVID-19 and I was wondering if my pigs can get infected by the virus. Can I touch them while i'm positive?


Please follow our hygiene advice and limit your contact with any pets as much as possible. The risk of guinea pigs catching Covid is relatively low but they can carry Covid particles from infected owners in their coats. Good handwashing hygiene is paramount. Please don't cuddle them during an acute infection.

This link here contains our hygiene advice: COVID-19 - Worried about Covid-19 (coronavirus) transmission risk to your cavies and care during illness?

A recent case of hamsters with Covid being distributed via a petshop in Singapore has led to a cull of all hamsters in the city. It shows that while the risk in small rodents is very low, bad practice can lead to a species jump. The risk is not quite zero.
@CavyL0ver and @VickiA …I hope you are both OK.

Just like some members , I have had COVID . I am the only person who looks after our piggies so, when I was positive, I had no other choice than to continue looking after them . I agree with Wiebke’s advice about hygiene . When I had COVID , I kept my contact with my guinea pigs to a minimum.

This is a good thread

Human Colds/flu And Tummy Bug Advice
I have been working hard this afternoon and have collated a lot of various bits and bobs about contagion issues in all directions (including between pets or caused by other species, i.e. zoonosis 'animal originating illness') as well as pet care and hygiene when ill or vulnerable into a single information thread that you can find at the top of the Health/Illness section.
Contagion - Pet Care During Owner Illness (incl. Covid)/Pregnancy&Immuno-depression/Zoonosis

I wish you all the best with your piggies and a good recovery.
I have been working hard this afternoon and have collated a lot various bits and bobs about contagion issues in all directions (including between pets or caused by other species, i.e. zoonosis 'animal originating illness') as well as pet care and hygiene when the owner is ill or vulnerable in a single thread that you can find at the top of the Health/Illness section.
Contagion - Pet Care During Owner Illness (incl. Covid)/Pregnancy&Immuno-depression/Zoonosis

I wish you all the best with your piggies and a good recovery.
Thanks Wiebke. This is really a good resource to have to hand.