Can Guinea Pigs Burrow

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Jul 9, 2007
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North Norfolk UK
If not DON'T tell the other half he's phobic as heck about rats!
just been out to the big girlie run which is totally covered and Merlin and his gals are in an insulated hutch so are cosy But lifted up their hutch in run after finding loads of soil everywhere and have a small tunnel under that one and their is the start of another under the other hutchalso a small hole dug out of run {soil on inside none outside}
Guinevere has mud on her nose trouble being white i suppose!
PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE RATS! i'll have to lie and not correct him about guinea pigs do dig!
or else they have to go! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Sorry to say it definatly sounds like rats to me
We have a prob with rats at mo too,our piggies are on the patio so no prob there but am being extra careful with cleaning up around outside piggies ;)
My pigs dug a little hole so they could run out of their run... it was shallow but a hole..... and it wasnt rats it was rosie.
I also seen another outside run which had loads of little dips dug out so that the pigs cud escape. I dont think its rats
Dont ask me where rats put the soil but I am thinking its probably at the other entrance to the tunnel.
The other end could be quite a few yards away from the hole you have found.
>:( >:( >:( hope not ruddy rats :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

loves to the piggies, awww they must wonder what the heck is going on :o :o :o :o
Sorry Ron i too think it's rats having had them in my shed before. :(

I have no idea where the soil goes or how they make perfect broom handle sized circles in the hay on the floor :-\
If is is rats, please be aware that rats can, and sadly have been known to, attack guinea pigs (I once saw some piggies who had been rescued after a rat attack at one of those dreadful 'Petting Farms').
I thought in their natural habitat they did burrow! Maybe they are going back to their roots! Could you call in someone from your local council environmental dept...they are pretty good at identifying rat marks, holes, droppings etc...hope its not the rotten rats! Lesley
I thought I had read somewhere that they actually couldn't burrow - something about the formation of their front paws(?). I thought in the wild they made runs or "tunnels" through the long grasses(?)
i've emptyed the run put the guineas in c&c run in shed everything hosed down no further signs guines look snug now thou! and OH none the wiser I hope!
Fingers crossed! ;)
I always understood that the guinea pigs themselves didn't burrow but in the wild moved into burrows made by other animals?

Sorry but it definately sounds like rats to me too. When rats tunnel they like to feel something up against their back hence chicken houses are usually raised up off the floor.(Poultry often attracts rats.)

This time of the year too with the weather turning colder they will be in search of food. They can be a nightmare to get rid of but there are lots of different ways. Try looking on It's a poultry forum and there are suggestions on ways to get rid of them without putting your pets at risk.

Good luck
summerleaze said:
I always understood that the guinea pigs themselves didn't burrow but in the wild moved into burrows made by other animals?

Same here. ? I'm so puzzled now.
Is it that guineas burrow in grass? I always thought in the wild they lived in really long grass which they'd burrow through. I don't think they use 'proper' burrows - isn't that why the young are born 'ready to go' because if they were blind and helpless like mice the predators would get them. They have to be self sufficient really young so they can escape if needs be. :'(
There is a realtively new product called EradiBait which kills rats etc humanely and is recommended by The Barn Owl Trust.

I have heard good reports about it, if the unmentionables do return it may be worth investing in some. Keep fingers crossed they have packed up and gone though.
my dad when he was a kid (back in the mid 60s) lost one of his piggies to a rat biting it through the cage. He is always making sure anyone who has piggies now doesnt have anything which a predator can sit on to get at them....
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