Can celery be fed daily?

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
My in laws are staying for the weekend and they have brought some celery for the piggies.

I stopped feeling celery a couple of years ago as my piggies at the time didn’t like it apart from Edward (who is still with me) but buying celery for one pig was a waste as neither me or my husband likes it

I have given them some for their tea and they loved it. I’m just wondering if I can feed it daily?

I have looked at Wiebke’s sample diet as that’s the diet I follow and there is a chunk of celery on the plate
I love celery and have it daily. The guinea pigs have some 3 or 4 times a week with no problems.
I was giving celery every day and someone said I shouldn’t! ☹️ Pepper and Percy loved it. Maybe I should start again?
Hector loves a bit of celery, Hamish sometimes eats it.
I treat us all every other week, but I get a pot of hummus to go with my share.
Oh wow I didn't realise this! So helpful to know they can have it daily! I've always been wary about buying celery as believed they could only have it every 3 days or so due to calcium! Will give my pigs a chunk now! :) x
I was given a list of things not to feed bladder pigs by my vet and celery was on it! I had already stopped feeding it because I noticed it seemed to be a trigger for Spike's sludge.
Now Spike has gone mine get it occasionally as a treat if I buy it for myself. It seems to be one of those grey area things. Different pigs seem to react to different foods.
Mine love it but I give a bit maybe every 3 or 4 days. One of my vets was wary about it once during a bladder stone discussion although she did say it was just a gut feeling for her boar. My neighbour's pigs get loads and seem to have no trouble but they live outdoors and perhaps this affects their metabolism...?
Mine have a piece every one human in the house eats it 🤣.... just a slither not loads...
All mine eat it up. That, dill and fennel seems to be a favorite to all of mine. With other things, carrots, mint and tomato there's some who like it more than the rest. Oh cucumber and sweet peppers they all like and wil eat but will leave some of it.