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Can anyone tell if this is a scab or something else?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2021
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I posted about my boy Eggs having a (second of the year) abscess lanced a couple weeks ago. The abscess was a very fluid consistency so the vet didn’t want it drained further at home like when his prior one was cottage cheesy, just cleaned on the exterior for a few days. Used Hibiscrub and salt water intermittently. Eggs is about 900g and he’s been on 1.8mls of Baytril and metacam for around 8 days. I opted out of zithromax at the time purely because I had no critical care and I knew Eggs tolerates Baytril

I booked Eggs a vet appointment tomorrow so this is getting seen to, but just wondering if anyone thinks this is a scab or what? It’s very thick and protrudes slightly like a clump. I feel terrible I didn’t notice it before today :( I’ve tried to bathe it but he’s not happy with it and I’m worried about tampering too much. He’s been in fantastic form and was getting fed up and annoyed with his wound site being cleaned a few days in and it looked fantastic so I left it alone, assuming antibiotics were doing their job and especially because the site looked great a few days in. I’ve been keeping an eye for any refilling but didn’t even notice this because of the hair around it.

The vet was going to change his antibiotic but they don’t have anything in stock just yet that’s safe for him so she’s going to up his Baytril dosage to a stronger concentration. This just looks so unusual so I’m not sure what to think


  • IMG_2566.webp
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Hi everyone, I posted about my boy Eggs having a (second of the year) abscess lanced a couple weeks ago. The abscess was a very fluid consistency so the vet didn’t want it drained further at home like when his prior one was cottage cheesy, just cleaned on the exterior for a few days. Used Hibiscrub and salt water intermittently. Eggs is about 900g and he’s been on 1.8mls of Baytril and metacam for around 8 days. I opted out of zithromax at the time purely because I had no critical care and I knew Eggs tolerates Baytril

I booked Eggs a vet appointment tomorrow so this is getting seen to, but just wondering if anyone thinks this is a scab or what? It’s very thick and protrudes slightly like a clump. I feel terrible I didn’t notice it before today :( I’ve tried to bathe it but he’s not happy with it and I’m worried about tampering too much. He’s been in fantastic form and was getting fed up and annoyed with his wound site being cleaned a few days in and it looked fantastic so I left it alone, assuming antibiotics were doing their job and especially because the site looked great a few days in. I’ve been keeping an eye for any refilling but didn’t even notice this because of the hair around it.

The vet was going to change his antibiotic but they don’t have anything in stock just yet that’s safe for him so she’s going to up his Baytril dosage to a stronger concentration. This just looks so unusual so I’m not sure what to think


It rather looks like a burst cyst/abscess etc.? But it needs a hands-on examination to determine its nature; especially as the neck is a somewhat sensitive area. So good on you that you have already booked your appointment.
Thanks everyone, luckily it was just a gnarly scab! I hadn’t seen anything like it. She got rid of the scab and flushed it out again, he’s been moved onto a higher dosage of Baytril because the first didn’t seem to get rid of the infection. Hopefully the higher dosage works 🤞🏻


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Thanks everyone, luckily it was just a gnarly scab! I hadn’t seen anything like it. She got rid of the scab and flushed it out again, he’s been moved onto a higher dosage of Baytril because the first didn’t seem to get rid of the infection. Hopefully the higher dosage works 🤞🏻
Hoping Eggs heals up very soon 🤞
Thanks everyone, luckily it was just a gnarly scab! I hadn’t seen anything like it. She got rid of the scab and flushed it out again, he’s been moved onto a higher dosage of Baytril because the first didn’t seem to get rid of the infection. Hopefully the higher dosage works 🤞🏻

Make sure that you keep the abscess flushed and work off the scab to allow it to drain and heal back to front pushing out every speck of infection still stuck inside.

All the best.
Make sure that you keep the abscess flushed and work off the scab to allow it to drain and heal back to front pushing out every speck of infection still stuck inside.
The vet actually recommended to not flush because the consistency was so fluid and viscous instead of the cottage cheese esque and to let the abscess heal over just without such a giant scab, which I’m definitely internally questioning a bit
The vet actually recommended to not flush because the consistency was so fluid and viscous instead of the cottage cheese esque and to let the abscess heal over just without such a giant scab, which I’m definitely internally questioning a bit

I have been rcommended to flush fluid filled abscesses by a very piggy savvy vet. The fluid is every bit as infectious as the firm consistency; it needs to be flushed out or it can cause the abscess to come back again.

Abscesses in rabbits and guinea pigs are much more serious than in cats and dogs.
Thank you guys! Was definitely questioning that myself. Would it make a difference if there’s no pus/fluid buildup currently in it or should I still go ahead and stretch it to flush again anyway? Much to his dismay 😓 With his first abscess in January I was flushing around 4 times a day religiously for ages so I feel so defeated it actually came back
Don't feel defeated you're doing an amazing job 💐
Thank you 💖 Attempted to flush but the wound is already as good as 97% closed since she flushed it again today. I shouldn’t have automatically taken her advice and should’ve went with my gut and flushed :’( He’s not tolerating even trying to pry it open at all and he’s getting really distressed and swinging to bite at it. I aimed a large irrigation syringe at it, hopefully it got even something out with the force of the salt water. Will keep trying that a few times a day at least and hope that and a higher antibiotic dose is enough 😣
Would he let you bathe it with some warm water would that encourage some of the scab to come off? 🤔
Would he let you bathe it with some warm water would that encourage some of the scab to come off? 🤔
I did manage to get the scab off after altercating with him but couldn’t get a syringe into the hole itself because how closed up it’s gotten :(
Hi all just thought I’d update quickly! Eggs neck is looking good so far, fingers crossed it stays this way! He seems to be tolerating the 0.3mls of Baytril really well too thank god I was worried about the higher dosage, he has another 6 or so days left of it. I got pro-C and just thought I’d try in it in his water before food, I don’t know if he’s just completely oblivious to it being in there or either really likes the taste but he’s drinking heaps of it :) He’s already not happy with me giving him syringes of antibiotics so when I attempted poop soup he looked like he was genuinely offended so I’m glad he’s at least getting probiotics in his water