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can anyone help me with these scabs?

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hi everyone again I'm having a bit of trouble with a couple of my girls I've got 10 piggies that have been treated with ivermectin for mites the boys all seem to have cleared up beautifully but a couple of my girls have still got the biggest scab I've ever seen across their back where they have been scratching its not weeping half as much as i was but it doesn't seem to be getting any better!

does anyone have any ideas of what i can put on them to soothe them and speed up the healing process?
perhaps either another vet visit or something from what do you call it gorgeous guineas? if you send a photo of the scab they can reccomend something for you to use on your girls. good luck O0 sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
After my guinea was treated for mites she had a large scab which fell off in time and left her with a scar - I don't think it's too serious but like 'Chloe' saiid Chrissie from gorgeous guineas is very helpful.
Calendula ointment will help,very soothing and healing.Available from some chemists and all health food shops.
After and while I used the dropes for mites I used Tee Tree Skin Cream for dogs,cats and other animals.(johnson's) available in any pet shop.
Tea Tree products are bot safe for piggies ,and Johnsons products are full of chemicals.It is not a good idea to buy products from pet shops.,non of them are suitable for gps.
my vet uses aloe vera on open wounds & it heals them in a matter of days
If the girls had more severe outbreaks to start with this isn't surprising, but it isn't a 100% treatment and they can reinfect themselves if you don't clean the cage and wash everything, etc. You may want to request Xeno or Zeno 450 in the future b/c it comes with several treatments and is specifically made for small animals. A simple dab of olive oil with a Q tip will help soothe and moisturize the spots.
Hi everyone thanks for the advice i ended up getting in contact with Chrissie at gorgeous guineas i sent her a picture (by this time of the open wounds as they had scratched off all the scabbing and made a right mess of themselves!)
And she recommended that i use Aloe Vera on the open wounds to protect them while they form a scab then once a scab has formed use the lavender and myrrh lotion!
its working really well in 3 days I've seen a massive improvement in the wounds one of them has halved in size and new skin is forming!
is really is a quick improvement on the wounds I've been struggling with for weeks! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
woo hoo :) :) :) am so happy for you and your piggies O0 hopefully they will continue to improve and well done to you too O0 sending hugs and healing vibes :smitten:
:smitten: :smitten: you go girls O0 O0 O0 girls rule ;D ;D ;D
That's good news, hopefully they will heal up completely in no time at all!
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