Can Anyone Explain This Sow Behaviour?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 26, 2013
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I have three pigs - one called Germaine who I've had for a month (1.5/2yrs.) and two pigs Winnie (1yr) and Lily (3yrs) who we got a few days ago. They were bonded at the rescue for 3days while we were away and Germaine was the clear boss there.
At home I have seen Lily bite Germaine's hair while she was in the hay rack but Germaine took little notice (whipped around to see what it was then went back to eating hay) and this was repeated a few times. Germaine rumblestruts whenever she feels someone is too near 'her' hidey or cosy cup etc but the girls act like they can't hear anything and usually plonk themselves beside her until they either stay together or one gets up.
There is no clear boss as they have all taken food or taken control of one area at one point. Germaine is the only one who rumbles but the others stand firm over food/hay if they want it. They have slept all beside each other but i'm wondering if this behaviour is normal? And who is the boss? Lily had been bottom of the hierarchy but has taken food from Germaines mouth and nipped at her when she was in hay rack. But they all ignore each other... I'm confused!
Meant to say we have 2m square cage, 5 tunnels/hidey areas and three hay racks and scatter food for them.
I have three girls too, all from the same person so they knew each other. 2 are sisters at 4months old and an older girl about 1 year old. The older girl seems to be the boss, she pushes the others out of the houses and nips at them but they all cosy up together too. Most of the time the young girls get nipped at and then go straight back next to her and lay down, they don't care! I still can't work out who is the lowest between the two younger girls, they still nip and stand up on their hind legs and teeth chatter sometimes. It is worse when i have those two out together on my lap. But it's pretty peaceful!
It seems you have enough hides etc for them all to have something each, that is the most important i think so no one gets pushed out and has nothing. I have read that sometimes the lower pigs might try to take charge (especially in the early days) maybe that is what Lily is doing. I would say just leave them to do what they do. If you have only had them all a few days it will take time, I have had mine since early november and they still fight a bit. But i am no expert! These are my first piggies :)
Maybe that's it. lily seeing her chance at getting up top! Its funny because lily is massive and weighs about 400g more than Germaine 900g! Funny to see a tiny pig bossing the two massive teddies around!
Heheh i think that happens a lot in the animal world, smaller dogs are sometimes the boss and i know cats are nearly always the boss over dogs! Smaller animals feel they have more to loose and put more effort in maybe?
I do remember reading that there might be shifts in the hierarchy but they will sort themselves out with time. Just watch out for any bad fights but i don't think you are supposed to interfere much.
As your girls have only just been bonded the hierarchy may not have been established. Rumblestrutting can also mean a sow is in season.,
Sounds rather like Germaine is coming into season, but she's not top sow. Size doesn't say anything about the rank in the hierarchy; my former top sow of my big 10-14 piggies group was one of the smallest girls around!
How long do they stay in season for? Lily has been snapping at the other two today. Poor Winnie has been screeching into submission a few times. They have settled down together afterwards though.
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