liquorice allsorts
Adult Guinea Pig
as some of you know, we have three boys in a large c&c cage, pepper is 4 and two boys, not brothers, but been together since weaned, they are now 8 weeks, and are called liquorice and hartley, all was well until we got them in from the garden yesterday, when liquorice started chasing hartley around, lots of sqeaking from both of them, pepper paying no attention whatsoever, hartley approached liquorice head on and liquorice jumped at him, and he did chatter his teeth, hartley did nt retaliate, watched for a while, and lots of squeaking and chasing but no actual fighting, we have noticed that liquorice sleeps with pepper, and hatley seperately, they ate together this morning, hatley did seem a bit wary of liquorice, i am going to put them all out together now on the grass, as that seems fine, can anyone tell me if i should part them now, i can leave pepper and liqurice tohether, and just put a partition down the middle of the cage, or shall i just keep watching and hope things calm down, i do realise the little ones are reaching adolescence now, i am holding my hands up here now and saying this may not work!