Can An Un-neutered Boar Live With A Neutered One?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 13, 2016
Reaction score
Newquay, Cornwall
I am in similar circumstances to @SpinningNickel, having lost one of my boars on Monday (the toffee coloured piggy on the house in my avatar).
I am now left with a 5.5/6 year old boar (we don't know for sure as they were both rescues) who I would prefer not leave on his own. However I don't want to start another ownership 'cycle' with having a young boar.
Have been searching on here but can't find a definite answer, is there any reason you can't mix a neutered boar with an un-neutered one? My boy Ralph hasn't been neutered, so just looking to see what options we have - obviously it means slightly better options if neutering isn't an issue. I am not going to neuter him in order to mix with sows, given his age and that I lost his brother following an operation, I'm not willing to take the risk.
I am contacting the rescue I got them from to let them know about what's happened and to listen out for any potential new buddies so we can try some dating.
As long as they are both healthy I don't see why not. Neutering doesn't make a difference in attitude for pigs
Sure, I know it doesn't affect attitude/behaviour so you're right, it probably doesn't make any difference mixing them if need be.
A local rescue sounds like they may have a suitable companion for my boar. Apparently he's had problems bonding with others before, so may have to live side by side rather than within one C&C cage. Not perfect but a better option than two lone boars at least!
There's no reason why you can't put a neutered boar together with an intact boar. It just depends if they will tolerate each other. Same as any other introduction.
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