Can 2 seperate pairs of boars....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 18, 2009
Reaction score
Argyll and Bute
share floor time?

I have always let them out seperately in their bonded pairs, but was just wonderin if i could let the 4 out together, or would this upset the dynamics?

Nicola x
Probably not a good idea, they might want to defend what they each feel is their patch.
Unfortunately, it is highly likely to upset all the boys concerned! They know their places within each pair, and they would only have to work everything out from the beginning if any other pigs were added to the mix, even if only temporarily. If you are going to try introducing them then it must be with the intention of them living as a foursome - something that is distantly possible (but could be very tricky and land you with four lone boars!).
2 seperate pair of boars out of cage together

Having raised these guys for several years I would say I would have to agree with the advice given...Boars do get along in pairs but if you add that third one out there or the 4th in neutral territory it could go well but it could also be disasatorous...
It depends a lot on the personality of the boars involved as well. If they are not alpha males and want to be boss then it might work. I have found that older boars will accept younger ones with them without too much of an issue.
In fact I have two sets of boars living together in a large cage right now and they get along famously, no issues whatsoever. They are all very passive in nature and I think that is why it works...
Just thought I would input my experience into this question...
It depends on the personalities of your boys. I have all my 6 boys out together at run time. 2 singletons & 2 sets of pairs & in previous years had 3 singletons & 1 pair out together with no problems but they are supervised at all times. However, i did have a pair of boys (brothers) & one of them wouldn't tolerate the smell of another piggy (let alone the sight of one) & would physically attack his brother.
At run-time i had to let these 2 out first & when they were safely back home out came the other 2 :)
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