Camping Tips

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2015
Reaction score
Santa Rosa, CA, USA
Hi all,

We are going camping the beginning of July with all of our immediate family. Since the only people I trust with my piggies will be on this camping trip and there is no places here for guinea pig boarding we decided to take our two pigs, Maximus and Reptar with us. The trip to the campsite is about an hour and we will stay 4 days and 3 nights. Logistically I have given much thought to how I will make sure they are safe and comfortable. For the road they each have a guinea pig carrier (best money we've ever spent!). They also have a large live-in playpen and a closed in cage (we never use the cage since it's too small for two guinea pigs and we like having them live in an open area where they don't feel trapped). The climate here in California is very mild, around that time of year it gets into the 80-90s Fareinheit in the day and 50s - 60s Fahrenheit at night time. We plan on having them sleep in their cage inside of our tent with us and keep them underneath a shady tree in their play pen during the day with adult supervision. Are there any other tips we should know before we take on this challenge? Has anybody ever taken their piggies camping with them? What can we do to make them more comfortable?
First off dont discount the cage immediately. We caravan and ours stay in a 110 cage (and thats four piggy's). What we have learnt over the last 6 years is that they cope very well in a small cage for short periods of time, say no more than 2 weeks with regular floor/grass time. The cage should be kept off the floor if possible. If you go to "Guinea Pigs of the Turner Household" on facebook you will see loads of pics of ours caravanning. If you have access to a freezer a half filled 500ml plastic soda bottle makes for a very good ice pack wrapped in cloth to keep their cage cool. Feel free to PM me with any other questions.
First off dont discount the cage immediately. We caravan and ours stay in a 110 cage (and thats four piggy's). What we have learnt over the last 6 years is that they cope very well in a small cage for short periods of time, say no more than 2 weeks with regular floor/grass time. The cage should be kept off the floor if possible. If you go to "Guinea Pigs of the Turner Household" on facebook you will see loads of pics of ours caravanning. If you have access to a freezer a half filled 500ml plastic soda bottle makes for a very good ice pack wrapped in cloth to keep their cage cool. Feel free to PM me with any other questions.
Thank you for your help!
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