Cage swap


Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2019
Reaction score
I have a couple of short breaks coming up. Fortunately I have a wonderful friend who stays at mine to look after my boys . Ronnie and Stan live in a cage on a built in stand which is low to the floor. Because they both play with the water bottles the cage needs a complete clear out daily where my other 2 pairs have a complete clear out every other day

My friend has arthritis and I’m thinking of swapping Ronnie and Stans cage with another pair in a cage at a higher level to make it easier for my friend to manage

Would cage cleaning suffice to eliminate the scent of each of the pairs cages and would repositioning levels disorientate the boys? I hope this makes sense

Your comments would be much appreciated . BTW I’ve tried placing shallow dishes etc under the spouts but the boys just move them out of the way 🤪. Bless them
I would clean the hard parts of each cage so they don’t smell of the previous pair and then ensure you use the their own soiled bedding in the new cage (ie don’t put fresh in) so the new cage smells like their previous cage.