Cage Rearrangement...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
...and so now Snowy's batchelour pad is right next door to the girls C&C cage.

As in the cages are touching. The bars and grids cannot be any closer without me removing a grid. I have bent some bendy logs from the pen and made a strange looking step (currently Poppy's new favourite hiding place) so the girlies can stand on it and get a better view of the White fluffball living next door.

As soon as I shifted the cage to its current position (Snowy was in his carrier at the time) which involved lots of grunting, pirouetting and swearing (the room was all messed up as I was shifting storage racks around) the girlies took an interest in what was going on. I cleaned the cage, added its bewildered occupant back in, and the girls stood on their step to gaze with intense interest at the newbe, and Snowy shot out of my hands and hid in his snuggle pouch.

So manly.

Moments later, he was popcorning around his cage as the girls continued to stare at him.

I'm sure that he was showing off. (Again. He already has a fan club from the receptionists at the vets this morning.)

He does seem happier than being in our bedroom all by himself.
That's lovely :luv:

Being next-door neighbours might help with their introductions further down the line as well :)
I hope so 3Tyger. Poppy seems taken with him, and Smudge shows the occasional interest.

They do sniff each other's noses through the bars when they all think that I am not looking.

I know this because I caught them doing it this morning.
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